Dimensions or zones?


Master Black Belt
Okay Seig had us do a little hw assignment on the dimensions that we can control on our attacker...we thought 3 height, width, and depth...then we were informed that there were 4!!!!!!!! after being hinted to look to for the 4th i saw on kenpo tools mr. c's 4 zones of protection. so my question is i think if phrased properly is the 4th dimension obscurity? if it is, is it the same as the protection zone obscure? is there a difference between the two? i maybe looking too much into this and just confusing myself but to me i thought zones and dimensions were different? anyone want to unconfuse me? :idunno:
FUZZYJ692000 said:
Okay Seig had us do a little hw assignment on the dimensions that we can control on our attacker...we thought 3, height, width, and depth...then we were informed that there were 4!!!!!!!!
Good for him, he's tryin to make you guys think and understand the basics of our system like he should..... salute to him (I just love it when guys teach as they should..... why doesn't everybody get this?):idunno:

FUZZYJ692000 said:
After being hinted to look to for the 4th i saw on kenpo tools mr. c's 4 zones of protection.
For more info on this go to Volume IV, chapter 6, (zone theories), then page 91 for specifically the "obscure zones".

FUZZYJ692000 said:
My question is i think if phrased properly is the 4th dimension obscurity?

FUZZYJ692000 said:
If it is,................ is it the same as the protection zone obscure?
I don't quite understand you exact wording.... explain ......
If you mean zones of santuary....... NO

FUZZYJ692000 said:
Is there a difference between the two?
Zones of Protection and Zone theories are basically the same. Zones of Obscurity are different from Zones of Santuary.

FUZZYJ692000 said:
i maybe looking too much into this and just confusing myself but to me i thought zones and dimensions were different?
Zones come from Dimensions.......:)

FUZZYJ692000 said:
Anyone want to unconfuse me?
You seem to be doing a good job all by yourself..........LOL:) (just kidding)

zones evolve from dimensions? so dimensions are like the building blocks to zones so in a sense the dimension obsurity is a building block to the zone of obscurity? right? i thinks i'm gonna have to finally break down and get the infinate insight books so i can actually read and comprehend a little better...christmas is coming soon...someone hint towards my parentals
at the last seminar, Mr. C. touched on the zone of sanctuary and zone of obscurity...now, the zone of sanctuary can possibly be defined as any place where you are safe from an attack, I believe that's how he worded it, such as crossing over and covering out after a technique, given there isn't a second attacker. then how would the the zone of obscurity be properly defined?
One way is striking an attacker from a hidden angle they couldn't see. The easiest example would be Obscure Sword, Obscure Wing. The attacker would not be able to see the handsword to the throat in O.S. nor the back elbow in O.W. If you want a specific definition then find it in the encyclopedia.
Chronuss said:
...then how would the the zone of obscurity be properly defined?
Properly outside of the vision of the attacker. Most noteably Obscure Sword and Obscure Wing. However there are many other examples in the system where the strikes must be sought out and researched. I was going over Unfurling Crane today and noticed that after the second hammerfist to the groin the very next movement is definately a strike from the zone of obscurity. After the hammerfist the vertical upward elbow followed by a 5 finger claw traveling directly up the attackers centerline is in my book considered from the zone of obscurity.
Circling Destruction with the right scoop kick to the groin. Sam ting.
Circles of Protection the left handsword to the chin.
These are just techniques that come to mind as there are many many more out there. It's up to the individual to find.
Chronuss said:
at the last seminar, Mr. C. touched on the zone of sanctuary ...now, the zone of sanctuary can possibly be defined as any place where you are safe from an attack, I believe that's how he worded it, such as crossing over and covering out after a technique, given there isn't a second attacker...
Ok, covering out would give you this idea. How about a question? What technique gives a clear visible example of this principle? There's one that sticks out more than any other technique on the zone of sanctuary.

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