Different Pics Of Yourself

Originally posted by jfarnsworth
Just put my head on top of Lee Priest's body. That should look cool and Castillo keep out of it.:mad:

Ok Jason.. be careful for what you ask *G*

Personally I think Lee Priest is waaaay too big.. being cut is one thing.. but not my cuppa tea :)


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Originally posted by arnisador
Nasty bruise KenpoTess!

yeah Jeff.. it was pretty icky.. that was in the good stages of it.. now my other inner upper arm is covered with them.. I got into a grappling kinda contest with Chronuss last night.. think it went on for a good 20 minutes.. ~!!

*snickering about pics of Jason.. see what ya get when you ask *G*
Originally posted by KenpoTess
Ok Jason.. be careful for what you ask

Good lord that was funny.:D :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Thanks for the visual. I personally couldn't ever get that big lifting weights. After 2.5 yrs. of hard lifting I can just now start to see seperations between the muscle groups. Nothing quite like Mr. Priest there.;)
Originally posted by arnisador
Enough! I'm sorry I asked for other poses of jfarnsworth!

Yeah, I didn't figure that I would look good in a thong.:rolleyes: However I prefer boxer/briefs.:p
Originally posted by KenpoTess
yeah Jeff.. it was pretty icky.. that was in the good stages of it.. now my other inner upper arm is covered with them.. I got into a grappling kinda contest with Chronuss last night.. think it went on for a good 20 minutes.. ~!!

That sounds kinda cool. Actually I don't think I would last a total of 20 minutes without puking but I'd give it a try.

*snickering about pics of Jason.. see what ya get when you ask *G*

That was good though.:D
Originally posted by progressivetactics
Guru Rich Parsons, and Me.

Gee that is a new one, I broke the internet now, not jsut the camara :D
where'd the pic go?

i tried to edit/delete it, when i seen it wasn't attached but said i don't have the right to edit my own posts....
how bad do i have to rate, not to be allowed to edit my own posts?
ok...i quit......its you Rich.....i put pics of me up...but can't seem to get you on there!

Originally posted by progressivetactics
ok...i quit......its you Rich.....i put pics of me up...but can't seem to get you on there!


email me or Tess and I am sure we can get them up here :D

If I have too, I will ask the great one Kaith for help as well! ;)
you can only edit your own posts for an hour or so after you post them. this is to preserve thread continuity... mainly so people can't go back, change stuff, and then say "I never posted that!"

if you need something edited after the time limit, ask your forum moderator (names are to the left of the forum title) or an administrator (Kaith, Arnisador, Cthulhu) to help you.
A picture of Datu Tim Hartman, Master Bill Barker and myself


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Originally posted by Nightingale
you can only edit your own posts for an hour or so after you post them. this is to preserve thread continuity... mainly so people can't go back, change stuff, and then say "I never posted that!"

if you need something edited after the time limit, ask your forum moderator (names are to the left of the forum title) or an administrator (Kaith, Arnisador, Cthulhu) to help you.


Thanks for the feedback, yet I think there might be a bigger problem here.

Even as a moderator, once a post has been created, you cannot go back and add an image to it :(. Or at least I could not. Hey Kaith, ... , Your thoughts?

Yet in general Nightingale's advice is 100% right on!. Always feel free to contact a Moderator.
Ok, couple of bits:

Bills pics:
I checked the file name, and its trying to link to the file on your PC. Use the "Attach file:" link below. If thats screwing up, open a thread in the support forum and we'll figure it out. :)

Rich/Nightingale's comments:
They are both correct. Time to edit is 1 hour, after that contact one of the moderators for that forum, or if there is no assigned mod, contact an admin. Mods only have control over the areas listed for them.

Hope that clears things up :)