OK, I'm prepared to listen. What do you see in Taikyoku kata that you couldn't achieve simply with drilling the kihon?
Well it's so elemental to the proper practice of TRADITIONAL KARATE. We have 3 main components (I know you know this cold):
this subject is very deep. Let me say here that you can go very far in traditional karate just practicing kihon. That's what my Machida vid was supposed to show. I know how someone as knowledgeable as you would object to that... so I didn't argue.
Kata, in a s implied way, is kihon strung together. In doing so the way the Master's designed such, symbolized by embusen, kata takes on a whole new dimension from kihon. However, it is the principles in kihon + the principles in kata together that lauch kata into a comprehensive karate exercise, that even prepares one to become a superior fighter by itself (without kumite). However again, most us benefit and are aided by kumite, that portion of the traditional karate curriculum.
Strangely enough, in looking at Tang Soo Do, the originators there were also strong believers in kata. So why did they adopt the modernized-like versions of Shotokan kata for the most part? Because they saw what I saw maybe....
The genius of the Taikyoku kata, and Tang Soo Do looks to have similar versions, is it strips away all complexity so one can focus on pure principles.... And BTW, this is the way I became such an excellent striker. It's also how I became an excellent blocker--for which I have been roundly jested at even at my school--at first. Of course, I train the rounded curriculum, not just kata. Funakoshi and his mentors were very enlightened men, IMO. I still 'hate' Shotokan' as it has evolved.... Shotokan, nothwithstanding my personal feelings, is still a great karate if done well, and particularly to learn principles from. Of course knowledgeable such as yourself can learn same from the Okinawan versions, etc.
Allow me to finish here by saying you don't physically recite Taikyoku kata (the way you see most do it on the internet). You think yourself through every single motion in every single step of Taikyoku kata. but really you should be doing this in kihon too. Few do.