Big Don
Sr. Grandmaster
Dieting really CAN harm your health: Slimmers at higher risk of heart disease and cancer
By Pat Hagan
The Daily Mail Excerpt:
Last updated at 10:00 PM on 16th April 2010
Going on a diet could increase your risk of developing potentially deadly conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, a study has revealed.
It found that those who controlled their calorie intake produced higher levels of the harmful stress hormone cortisol.
And it claimed that exposure to the hormone actually made some dieters put on weight, which could explain why so many Britons fail to shed fat despite slashing their food intake.
The researchers also warned that far from making people feel better about themselves, dieting could actually damage their mental health.
Many suffered increased psychological stress when they were constantly forced to count calories and monitor what they ate.
Doctors should think twice before putting their patients on strict diets because of the possible long-term damage to their health, they said.
'Regardless of their success or failure (in losing weight), if future studies show that dieting increases stress and cortisol, doctors may need to rethink recommending it to their patients to improve health,' the rese
'Chronic stress, in addition to promoting weight gain, has been linked with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Dieting might potentially add to this stress burden and its consequences would best not be ignored.'
The study, by California University in San Francisco and Minnesota University, looked at 121 women who were put on a standard three-week diet of 1,200 calories a day - around half a woman's recommended daily amount of 2,000 calories.
The old joke:"Women and minorities, hardest hit..." is 50% on the money here. Most diet products and programs are aimed at women, the women are doomed.
By Pat Hagan
The Daily Mail Excerpt:
Last updated at 10:00 PM on 16th April 2010
Going on a diet could increase your risk of developing potentially deadly conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, a study has revealed.
It found that those who controlled their calorie intake produced higher levels of the harmful stress hormone cortisol.
And it claimed that exposure to the hormone actually made some dieters put on weight, which could explain why so many Britons fail to shed fat despite slashing their food intake.
The researchers also warned that far from making people feel better about themselves, dieting could actually damage their mental health.
Many suffered increased psychological stress when they were constantly forced to count calories and monitor what they ate.
Doctors should think twice before putting their patients on strict diets because of the possible long-term damage to their health, they said.
'Regardless of their success or failure (in losing weight), if future studies show that dieting increases stress and cortisol, doctors may need to rethink recommending it to their patients to improve health,' the rese
'Chronic stress, in addition to promoting weight gain, has been linked with coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Dieting might potentially add to this stress burden and its consequences would best not be ignored.'
The study, by California University in San Francisco and Minnesota University, looked at 121 women who were put on a standard three-week diet of 1,200 calories a day - around half a woman's recommended daily amount of 2,000 calories.
The old joke:"Women and minorities, hardest hit..." is 50% on the money here. Most diet products and programs are aimed at women, the women are doomed.