Did you see it: Fahrenheit 9/11 ?

Now this I find interesting ... Oh, yeah ... and 100 million dollars by the end of the weekend.

Conspiracy Theorists ... Dig In!!

The plane used to fly the Bin Laden's out of the United States is also used by the Bush White House


WashingtonPost said:
July 22nd, 2004 2:45 pm
Plane Carried 13 Bin Ladens;
Manifest of Sept. 19, 2001, Flight From U.S. Is Released

By Dana Milbank / Washington Post

... Although much was already known about the "bin Laden flight," Lautenberg provided additional details, including the information that the plane, a 727 owned by DB Air and operated by Ryan International, began its flight in Los Angeles and made stops in Orlando, Dulles International Airport and Boston before continuing to Gander, Newfoundland; Paris; Geneva; and Jiddah, Saudi Arabia. The aircraft, tail number N521DB, has been chartered frequently by the White House for the press corps traveling with President Bush. ...
michaeledward said:
Now this I find interesting ... Oh, yeah ... and 100 million dollars by the end of the weekend.

Conspiracy Theorists ... Dig In!!

The plane used to fly the Bin Laden's out of the United States is also used by the Bush White House


Old news, isn't it? I think this is covered in "House of Bush, House of Saud," by Unger.

The White House has never denied they did this. Nobody has tried to cover it up. No conspiracy to be had...but many questions do in fact arise.


hardheadjarhead said:
Old news, isn't it? I think this is covered in "House of Bush, House of Saud," by Unger.
I don't know if it is old news, but I had not heard it. I have not read Unger's book. That the flights existed, and the White House was aware of them is one thing ... That the White House charters the same plane for the Press Corps that the Saudi Arabia charted for the Bin Ladens, I think is interesting.

BLOOMINGTON, Ill. - Filmmaker Michael Moore's Bush-bashing documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" has apparently upset more than Republicans. The Pantagraph newspaper in Bloomington said Friday it sent a letter to Moore and the film's distributor, Lions Gate Entertainment Corp., asking for an apology for using what it said was a doctored front page in his movie.

The paper is seeking $1 in damages.

A scene early in the movie shows newspaper headlines related to the contested 2000 presidential election. It includes a shot of The Pantagraph's Dec. 19, 2001, front page, with the prominent headline, "Latest Florida recount shows Gore won election."

The newspaper says that headline never appeared on that day.

The paper said the headline appeared in a Dec. 5, 2001, edition but was not used on the front page. Instead, it was found in much smaller type above a letter to the editor, which the paper says reflects "only the opinions of the letter writer."

"If (Moore) wants to 'edit' The Pantagraph, he should apply for a copy-editing job," the paper said.

Neither Lions Gate nor Moore were immediately available for comment Sunday.
michaeledward said:
Seems the paper studied under the Bill O'Reilly school of publicity. That was ONE DOLLAR in damages. The plot thickens.

Haha. I thought that was a bit odd.

This site touches a lot on Fahrenheit 9/11, as well as Bowling for Columbine. It's important to note that Moore's "Fact Checkers" are actually lawyers who go over every possible definition and interpretations of things he says, and makes sure he can't get sued. The difference between truth and legal truth is often staggering.
Fahrenheit 9/11 is released on home video and DVD today.

michael moore said:
Dear Friends,

Today's the day! You can now own your own copy of "Fahrenheit 9/11." Or, you can rent it. It is now available in thousands of stores across the country for you to take into your possession and use as your own personal weapon of George Bush's mass defeat. You can also just have a nice movie night at home with the kids. . . .

A few months ago I asked our film's distributor if they would shorten the time "Fahrenheit" would spend in the theaters and make it available on home video to everyone before the election -- and they agreed.
They also agreed to let me include an additional 90 new minutes worth of material on the DVD. These extras include never-before-seen footage outside Abu Ghraib prison, plus footage which we shot in Iraq just weeks before the invasion that clearly showed what we were in for ("Please tell America that Iraq will be their cemetery"), more words of truth from our soldiers in Iraq, and footage of Bush and Condoleezza Rice that is so frightening you will understand why the networks never showed it to you. . . .

1. Hold Your Own Neighborhood Premiere of "Fahrenheit 9/11." Do it this week. Get the DVD, break out the biggest TV screen you have, pop the corn and invite over your friends, family, classmates, coworkers and neighbors for a couple of hours of laughter and tears. When it's over, take a few minutes to decide what everyone is going to do between now and November 2nd.

2. Become Your Own Fahrenheit Video Store. Buy a copy of the film and then just start lending it for free to everyone you know for a night at a time. Become known as "The Fahrenheit Connection" to those with whom you work or go to school.

3. Sponsor Large Community or School Screenings. You have my permission. Don't charge money (unless everyone has to chip in for the union hall or church basement). Invite everyone; pack the place. Have something for people to do afterwards, like volunteering for a "get out the vote" drive between now and November 2nd.

4. Give It Away. The politics and economics of the video business mean that those in poorer communities often have to resort to bootlegging. While I'm happy for people to see my movie by any means necessary, I would love for them to see it the way I made it and under the best possible conditions. If you have the wherewithal, donate copies of the DVD and VHS to your local library or to your school library. Get multiple copies and pass them out, especially to groups and people who can't afford to buy it. In a free society, which only survives if it has an enlightened electorate, information should be shared, not privately owned.
I'm glad to see it's being released before the election. I was worried that, despite everything in the film, the public would forget about it by November. I will definitely be purchasing it, if for nothing else than to see if I can find all the accusations against it. Thanks for the reminder.
A good day for Michael Moore.

'Fahrenheit' Burns Home-Video Sales Records
By Brett Sporich / Reuters/Hollywood Reporter
LOS ANGELES - Michael Moore's politically charged documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11" sold about 2 million combined DVD and VHS units Tuesday (Oct. 5), its first day in release, according to industry sources.
If you feel you shouldn't support Mr. Moore by actually paying to see his movie, it is available for rent now for a couple of bucks.

Also, Mr. Moore has been travelling the country on his 'Slacker Uprising Tour'. This tour is about registering voters who have never before registered to vote.

One more thing ... there is this.


Here's another site for ya, but it takes a while to read because it explains fiftysomething lies and deceits in the movie and backs them up with sources.


I unfortunatley had a bias going in that it was going to be full of crap, not because it was anti-Bush by any means (Iactually kind of hoped to see some shadiness uncovered), but because Bowling for Columbine was full of crap. So a lot of the stuff didn't surprise me. But the one thing that bothered me was when he talked about the black voters being disenfranchised and their votes not counting. He showed a line of black people and said that their votes were being thrown out because of "the color of their skin." The fact is, those people were felons. By law in Florida, you have to meet certain criteria to vote, and being a felon is not one of them. So when Moore used the black voters to say that they were not allowed to vote, he was actully saying that black people ate felons. I found that remark racists because he called blacks felons, and I found it racist because he was using them for his own personal gain, while they were none the wiser. That's the only time I really got mad at the movie.

I hope most people realize that this movie was propaganda, and not a documentary.
no... what Moore was saying is that people with the same NAME as a felon were not allowed to vote, whether they themselves were felons or not.
"So when Moore used the black voters to say that they were not allowed to vote, he was actully saying that black people ate felons."

And yet we laugh at Freud.
ROFL. Wow. I'm usually so good at spelling, too. Black people ate felons. I'll shut up and hide for a while now.
Nightingale said:
no... what Moore was saying is that people with the same NAME as a felon were not allowed to vote, whether they themselves were felons or not.
Oh really? OK, maybe I'll go watch it again...thanks, you are probably right. I hope so, because although I didn't believe a lot of what was said, that was the only thing that really pissed me off.
Katherine Harris gave the Florida list of felons to a Texas database company to purge the list of felons from the Florida Voter Rolls. Katherine Harris instructed the computer company to use a very broad filter setting to determine who was a felon.

Something like this.
  • Xequat is a felon, and under Florida law is prohibited from voting.
  • Xequate is not a felon, but because the name is similar to Xequat, is removed from the Florida voter rolls.
  • michaeledward has the same birthday as Xequat, and lives on the same street as Xequat so he is removed from the Florida voter rolls.
  • rmcrobertson knows who Xequat is, and is therefore purged from teh Florida voting rolls.
Xequate, michaeledward, and rmcrobertson are not aware they have been stricken from the Florida voting rolls. They show up to vote on election day, and are told they can't vote. There is no recourse. There is no way to question the restriction until the voting is completed.

Now, in my example, I stretch a bit the reason why one might have been purged from the voter rolls. But, we must remember, the database company told Katherine Harris that her filter criteria would remove some names that should not be removed, and she instructed the company to go forward per her criteria. And, Katherine Harris was the leader of the Bush Campaign in Florida.

These facts are not in dispute. It is more than just an 'appearance' of a conflict of interest. I'm not sure if this can be avoided in our political system. But in this instance, there were no 'checks and balances'.


p.s. I found this link, which explains some of the accusations of the disenfranchised.

rmcrobertson said:
And yet we laugh at Freud.
Who does?

On topic now: we rented and watched Farenheit 9/11 last night. Thank goodness there is no footage of the planes hitting the towers and people jumping/falling. I would have left the room and missed a thought-provoking movie.

In this country we are free to speak our minds -- but if we do, in as public a way as Michael Moore, everyone has an opinion on what's *right* with what was said as well as what's *wrong*. Lila Pederson brought tears to my eyes as a mother when she read her son's last letter to her/them. The footage of her wandering near the White House sobbing was equally moving, and I was saying exactly what she was saying about how parents shouldn't outlive their children. That there are parents who encourage their children to join the military is a fact of life and sometimes the only alternative for a child in a poor urban family (remember the footage from Flint, MI?.) That they suffer when their children die is tragic and they deserve our sympathy. What parent doesn't want the best and better than they had/have for their children? Someone's children are fighting for the rest of us, and someone's children are going to die. Is it better to criticize these people or to volunteer to go yourself? Easier to criticize, of course.

My sons would be in Canada if they didn't have medical exemptions, you can bet on that. My personal choice and my personal beliefs. But -- I would never tell a parent whose child has died that it was the wrong choice that they made for their children. Insult to injury. Shame on those of you who did. KT

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