Don Roley said:
Can't get the site to load, so it seems that I would have to take your word for it, and that is not good enough.
Don, Robert listed two other references as well.
Don Roley said:
So, your "facts" are again a very twisted version of reality
Don, did you read the other two references?
Don Roley said:
I have noticed only one person who seems even half way interested in checking the story as Moore presents it. We all admit that he is biased, and that he is probably not going to give any evidence that may contridict the version he wants to give, but his fans consider what he says as the whole story and don't bother to look deeper into the matter.
I'm guessing you're referring to me, and yep, I *am* biased. I also watch Fox News, and read the National Review, and even occasionally listen to Rush Limbaugh.
The thing is, Don, you have not presented evidence to show that Michael Moore is such an inexcusable liar that no one should even begin to consider watching his film and seeing what he has to say. Case in point:
Don Roley said:
Moore says that Bush is responsible for letting the Saudis and Bin Laden family loose on 9-13.
Actually, no, he doesn't. Moore points out that the Saudis and bin Ladens were allowed to leave, and his focus is on the fact that *they were not questioned*. Again, having not seen the movie, you're making judgments about what Moore says, and whether or not it's a lie. You are singularly unqualified to make such a judgment, as you have *not seen the movie*.
Now, given that you have no idea what you're talking about re: the contents of the film, I'm not sure it's worth rebutting your other points about the Saudis, but here we go:
Don Roley said:
All the Moore fans seem satisfied with the explination by Moore that Clarke then sent the reccomendations to the White house for final approval, etc.
Actually, the "Moore fans" (especially me) are *speculating* that that *may be* the case.
Don Roley said:
but without anything of the sort they probably just rubber stamped his reccomendation and let the diplomats and such leave the country.
Again, you show an ignorance of the facts, which either seeing the film or doing some reading on your own would clarify. The "diplomats and such" to which you allude were 142 Saudis, 24 of which were members of the bin Laden family. Most were *not* diplomats. The group included students and businesspeople. Even if there was no conspiratorial element in allowing the Saudis to leave, it was *grossly neglegent* to allow relatives of the *prime suspect in the attacks* to leave the nation without questioning.
Don Roley said:
So yes, Moore lies when he tries to present Bush as the decision maker in letting the Saudis go.
Since Moore doesn't say that, no, he doesn't. Why don't you see the movie before deciding what it says?
Don Roley said:
Not one of the guys who have tried to get people to see the movie to open the mind seems willing to go out and get the entire, complete story in such detail that they can tell what is being left out by Moore.
This is quite an assumption, Don. Moreover, since you claim the film is fill of lies, it actually behooves *you* to back up your claims. Since you don't even know what the movie *says*, I'm not holding my breath.
Don Roley said:
So, I think that the people who like Moore have got the responsibility to go out and start doing things
Don, I have read the report. And the Waxman committee reports. I majored in classics, history, and politics, with a focus on military history. I am familiar with the history of the Baath party (I'm guessing the eBath party is some how related to "Wesley Clarke").
Why aren't opponents of the Moore film, and supporters of the Bush administration, under the same obligation? Why is it okay to accept the statements of the Bush administration with blind faith? Why is the burden of research in debate always on the opposition? You clearly
I understand that you may not want to see the film under any circumstances, but that pretty much robs you of any legitimacy in entering debate about its content. You continue to expect people who disagree with you to back up their arguments with detailed, factual information, and *also* to engage in painstaking research about Moore's film to see if there are any flaws, but you won't even begin to do the same yourself.
The word "hypocrite" comes to mind again, but this time, I'm not thinking of Michael Moore when I use it.