Senior Master
On a sunny saturday morning when I was going to have a nice day out with my wife I discovered to my horror that I couldn't find my wedding ring anymore.
I remembered it was on my finger on monday or tuesday, and I knew for sure that I didn't have it anymore on friday evening. I had absolutely no idea where I could have lost it. I checked all the places I'd been at work that week, but no luck. It was equally possible that I took it off at home (I did that whenever I worked around the house) and placed it somewhere I can't remember.
My wedding ring is the only physical thing in the whole world that I care about. My ridiculously expensive collection of rare malt whisky could fall on the floor and I wouldn't really be more than annoyed. My car could be stolen and I'd move on with only a passing regret at the hit on the savings account. But my wedding ring ...
At the time, I was reading a book 'black sun' that is based on true events of WWII (the story itself is fiction of course). I went over to wikipedia to check some facts, and I also found pics of the holocaust. Jewish children dying of starvation on the streets. Waiting to fall asleep and never wake up... And I was humbled... My ring is important to me, but compared to what other people went/go through, the loss of a ring is nothing. When I saw those pictures I thought of my daughters and I realized that there are more important things in life.
Even before I left high school, I had already decided that if I would ever get married (far from certain at that time
), I wanted to have platinum rings. Mine is Thick... Wide... Heavy... and solid platinum, so replacing it was not a real option, even without the emotional attachment.
Near the end of the year, as a Christmas gift to ourselves, we bought new stainless friendship rings. I wear mine at the same finger where my wedding ring used to be.
Fast forward a week to 30th of december 2007. We were cleaning the house because we had friends coming over to celebrate the end of the year. My wife was cleaning the living room while I was in the kitchen. I had to leave the kitchen to get something, and when I came back, she was standing in the kitchen, all smug, with a plain looking ring around her thumb.
And she says 'do you have a finger free where you could put this?'
And I pass her by, thinking to myself 'Look I am already wearing this new ring, woman. How many freaking rings do you want me to wear? Sheesh...'
I was already in the living room when I suddenly understood what she meant. I jumped from joy
. She found it in the living room, in a small glass plate underneath a tea light candle. The plate is part of a small figurine of a dragon, which you can use for burning essential oil or for a tea light. And underneath the tea light there is a small space where you could hide a ring.
I had put it there without thinking, and when I was looking for it I didn't remember. I must have moved that thing 2 or 3 times during my search, but I didn't look underneath the tea light
Of course, now I have 2 rings. I wear my wedding ring on my right hand instead of my left. My right ring finger is a bit wider than my left one. The ring barely fits. Consequently, I can't get it off anymore without using liquid soap and careful twisting. Which is ok, because now at least I am not afraid anymore of losing it. I never take it off anymore except for martial arts training.
Anyone else ever lose their wedding ring? Did you get it back?
I remembered it was on my finger on monday or tuesday, and I knew for sure that I didn't have it anymore on friday evening. I had absolutely no idea where I could have lost it. I checked all the places I'd been at work that week, but no luck. It was equally possible that I took it off at home (I did that whenever I worked around the house) and placed it somewhere I can't remember.
My wedding ring is the only physical thing in the whole world that I care about. My ridiculously expensive collection of rare malt whisky could fall on the floor and I wouldn't really be more than annoyed. My car could be stolen and I'd move on with only a passing regret at the hit on the savings account. But my wedding ring ...
At the time, I was reading a book 'black sun' that is based on true events of WWII (the story itself is fiction of course). I went over to wikipedia to check some facts, and I also found pics of the holocaust. Jewish children dying of starvation on the streets. Waiting to fall asleep and never wake up... And I was humbled... My ring is important to me, but compared to what other people went/go through, the loss of a ring is nothing. When I saw those pictures I thought of my daughters and I realized that there are more important things in life.
Even before I left high school, I had already decided that if I would ever get married (far from certain at that time

Near the end of the year, as a Christmas gift to ourselves, we bought new stainless friendship rings. I wear mine at the same finger where my wedding ring used to be.
Fast forward a week to 30th of december 2007. We were cleaning the house because we had friends coming over to celebrate the end of the year. My wife was cleaning the living room while I was in the kitchen. I had to leave the kitchen to get something, and when I came back, she was standing in the kitchen, all smug, with a plain looking ring around her thumb.
And she says 'do you have a finger free where you could put this?'
And I pass her by, thinking to myself 'Look I am already wearing this new ring, woman. How many freaking rings do you want me to wear? Sheesh...'
I was already in the living room when I suddenly understood what she meant. I jumped from joy

I had put it there without thinking, and when I was looking for it I didn't remember. I must have moved that thing 2 or 3 times during my search, but I didn't look underneath the tea light
Of course, now I have 2 rings. I wear my wedding ring on my right hand instead of my left. My right ring finger is a bit wider than my left one. The ring barely fits. Consequently, I can't get it off anymore without using liquid soap and careful twisting. Which is ok, because now at least I am not afraid anymore of losing it. I never take it off anymore except for martial arts training.
Anyone else ever lose their wedding ring? Did you get it back?