Sr. Grandmaster
Yeah that is a good question. Honestly in my professional opinion for real world self defense the best rule is Rule # 1 COMMON SENSE just like you said below. As far as Defensive tactics You dont need to know alot for most encounters. Something is better then nothingI agree, Ballen, with just about everything you said. But, here's the question. What do I reasonably need to know? I mean me... a middle aged, regular, boring guy.
No I agree with you. That goes back to there is no 100% perfect art and even if there was it still wouldnt be effective 100% of the time. When I speak of what works Im more speaking in general terms. If you took 100 BJJ guys or TKD guys of Krav guys or what ever art you choose and they had to defend themselves against a random guy off the street in my opinion Over 50 of the trained guys would successfully avoid serious damage. Thats all I look at if 51 of 100 trained people do enough to avoid serious injury then it works. Others may say well 49 still got their buts kicked so it doesn't work and thats their opinion I have mine.That's the real question. It's not about what "works" or not. They all work, as you say. And... depending upon the circumstances, they all DON'T work. That's pretty much the only part where I think we diverge.
Right Common sense. I agree totallyBeyond that, self defense for me is 99.9999999% about living a quiet life with my family in a safe, semi-rural area of King County. I don't go to bars, don't drink to excess and try not to be a jerk. I mitigate risk by avoiding a risky lifestyle. I enjoy living quietly and hanging out with my kids and my wife. THAT'S self defense.
Thats sound planning. Goes along with my plan as well. I have no desire or plan to ever stick around and "defend" my self. My defense is 1st and foremost to get out of dodge.If asked whether BJJ is good for self defense, I would say it's good for me. I am relatively fit. I'm active. I can run a bit before I collapse from fatigue. If someone were to grab me, I feel like I can grip fight effectively and free myself. If someone takes me to the ground where I'm on the bottom, I feel comfortable that I can reverse my position and disengage.
And the guys claiming their art trains them to fight off multiple attackers and drug crazed zombies are full of it. You may "train" in it but facing 3 or 4 dudes your in trouble no matter what art you know unless its Glock Fu. I was once in a fight with 3 cousins while trying to arrest one the other two attacked me. Had any of them had any fighting skills at all Id be dead. I had one guy on my back trying to get me in a choke hold and get my gun out of my holster, as I was fighting with the other two. Thankfully they were all small guys 140 lbs range Im about 100 pounds heavier and about 6 to 8 inches taller then they were and none of them could fight but it still took me several min to get control of the situation and it took one lucky punch that K.O.ed one attacker so it became 2 on 1. So what Im saying is it was more luck then skill. The only thing that my training helped me with was not to panic and stay relaxed and deliberate in what I was doing.So, once again, what do I reasonably need to know? If I am a cop in an urban area? Maybe something different. But I'm not. And neither are most of you guys who are arguing relentlessly that self defense is about fighting multiple, drug crazed attackers in a ring of lava, on a bed of broken glass and dirty needles. If you want to spend your time preparing for that, knock yourselves out. Go ahead. IMO, it's like preparing for a tornado in Seattle. Could it happen? Well... I guess it's POSSIBLE. But how likely? Not very. Could I find myself at the mercy of a gang of thugs? Sure. I guess it's within the realm of possibility. But is it likely? No. Not even remotely.
I think part of the BJJ vs others tit for tat comes from the "I'll put them to sleep" mentality as the answer to all problems you get fro some BJJ guys. Ive seen it on here and Ive seen it in real life talking to guys that I know that train. To be fair most of these guys either dont really train or dont train seriously. The put them to sleep or snap their elbow talk is just that talk. On the flip side the same can be said for the "My arts too deadly" or "Ill rip out his throat" nonsense. So just as much as your point that guys commenting here dont know much or anything about BJJ the same is true of other pro-BJJ members talking about other arts.Regarding specific techniques, it's clear that some of you guys have some gross misunderstandings of what BJJ is and isn't. This same sort of argument from ignorance came up in another thread. As I said then, I don't care what you do. I hope you enjoy your training and presume you're getting what you need from it. Have fun. It obviously makes sense to you. I try to be very careful not to make presumptions about what you train or how you train, and to only comment on what you choose to share. Because, beyond that, I don't know what your style teaches... and even if I did, I don't know what your school teaches. I'm asking you guys to reciprocate. You clearly don't know the first thing about BJJ beyond what seems to me to be self serving propaganda.
Like I said at the end of the day any training is better then none. If the topic is whats effective then Id say most main stream arts are effective. If the question is whats better or best well that is an opinion and there is no right answer. That is like asking who is the best Quarterback ever to play in the NFL, or the best Basket Ball player ever, there is no right answer.