Determination: Officer shot in head refused to go down


Crazy like a...
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Jan 16, 2006
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This is a disturbing, and very inspiring story.

Officer Phil Hurton with the Framingham, MA police department was shot in the head and had while chasing a robbery suspect.

He said after he was shot, he knew he was in big trouble. He forced himself to get back to his cruiser so he would eventually be found.

He was found, and is recovering. Children and adults in the community have reached out to him and wished him well, he plans to return to the job he loves as soon as he can.
Lucky guy...thanks for the "good cop" story. Unfortunately they dont possess the ability to generate much of a disucssion other than "good job"..."best wishes" etc...
Thanks Carol, for the story. Most of us come and go every day, to work, play or what ever, without a care in the world. This story goes to the center of what every LEO thinks about, and has on their mind every day of their life. It takes a special person to put themselves on the line, and stand between good and bad. Most days your damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Officer Phil Hurton, is an example of the perils that encompass one of the hardest jobs there is. Good job, heal fast, and thank you for the service you perform, and love so much.
He sure is tough. The article mentions how its brought the department closer together, and it also strengthened the relationship between the town (of 70,000) and its PD.

As horrible as it is to see Officer Hurton critically injured, at least there was something positive that grew from the incident.