Democrats give american people the finger

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You are aware that "liberal" doesn't equal "democrat," right?

Agreed, liberals are more for drug legalization than conservatives. But that's true of any law change...because a desire to change from the status quo is the definition of liberalism. Ditto for gay marriage.
Statistics are pretty difficult to come by. But the only block of people who are consistently in favor of legalizing ALL drugs are strict libertarians. As with most things, it's a complicated issue, and fanatics on both sides are vested in simplifying things to suit their position. And anti-prohibition is clearly, to anyone with even a shred of objectivity, a conservative position. It's right there with seat belt laws, helmet laws and "you'll get my gun when you pry it from my cold, dead hands."

As for the rest, TF, our bottom line is after all, just because YOU don't like something, doesn't make it wrong. I agree completely! Now, if I could only get you to actually mean it.
Well, libertarians and stoners.
There's a clear distinction between people who are pro-pot and people who are pro-drug.

Typically, people who are pro-pot either smoke it now or have smoked it in the past. They understand that it's not entirely healthy, but also understand that it's no less healthy than many of the legal things we do all the time legally.

People who are pro-drug (as in ALL drugs) are typically strict libertarians who are as likely as not to have used illicit drugs and are more interested in being philosophically consistent than anything else. There aren't a statistically large number of these people.

However, pro drug and pro-pot are often lumped together in order to make the latter position seem more severe and irrational.
That was meant as a joke,

But you're right. I'm personally pro-drug, but not because I use or because I'm libertarian. I'm pro-drug because prohibition doesn't work. We learned that in the 1920s, but still we insist...
Oh, and Twin Fist and I both agree that just because YOU don't like something, doesn't make it wrong. That's our bottom line. Pot included.
yeah, i (as usual) got bored with your feeble attempts to play some sort of wierd stalkerish head games.

you bore me.

and i am pretty much done with you. Your backhanded insults are lame, and your are ...not stimulating to deal with
yeah, i (as usual) got bored with your feeble attempts to play some sort of wierd stalkerish head games.

you bore me.

and i am pretty much done with you. Your backhanded insults are lame, and your are ...not stimulating to deal with
Why are you calling me feeble? And a stalker? Seriously? You need to chill out and take a deep breath and stop projecting your illness on me.

From wikipedia:
  1. Unconscious Incompetence
    The individual does not understand or know how to do something and does not necessarily recognize the deficit.
Point being, if something complicated seems too simple, you probably don't understand it.
But I'm still interested. Do you, twinfist, hate democrats? What about liberals? I believe that you sense impending cognitive dissonance and that's why you won't answer. Just a guess.
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