[QUOTE ="Buka, post: 1725521, member: 26001"]Hi Dave,
For power we utilice fast twitch rotation of the core muscles, regardless of direction in which the strike is traveling. Straight punches, hooks, uppercuts or kicks, it all comes down to core twitch for us. If a core happens to be out of shape - well, heck, you shouldn't be fighting in my opinion.

We punch more like a boxer than anything else. As such, the ball of the back foot in a strike from the back hand, drives the punch - at the exact same time as the core twitch. If we (most of my guys) are throwing a jab, it depends on what kind of jab. For instance - one of those fast head snappers that's meant to measure or interupt his beats, or a good stiff arm jab that's meant to intercept, stop (or slow down) and hurt him. The movements will be different, as will the footwork, and especially what might follow.
The more advanced students like to say that they "punch or kick from their ***" meaning they utilize the drive from the legs, hips and glutes.
We also use various footworks to close or open distance and change angles. That comes from core twitch as well. Like the old fashioned blitz.
And, yes, I know all too well about blitzing against a judo guy. Everytime I've played with a judo guy he's wiped the floor with me. Everytime.
As for "
does your style advocate letting the opponent close and then trying them up, or do you practice more ranged interception. Do you stand side on, square or half way between.
It depends on what you like, or more precisely, what kind of fighter you are. Different guys I train with do it different ways. I don't think it's a matter of choice, I feel it's based on your strengths/weaknesses, skill sets....and what you work the hell out of.
I like to fight in the kitchen, as we use to say, real close in, I want to be able to smell your breath. So...I'd rather have the opponent coming in like a train than having him slowly stalk. I love to intercept, especially a larger opponent. It throws them so out of synch.
As for stance, we teach beginners a boxing stance. From there they develop the stances you mentioned. But we don't use side stances much anymore. They're okay if you're karate point fighting - and have a really good front leg side and hook kick, but they're countered easy and used against the side stance fighter by limiting him. Some of our guys point fight, some kickbox, we grapple and we box. So it depends on who's doing what that day.....and what stance they like and against whom.
For this -
So when you (Buka) say that you don't like to fit into a fight, that may well be a valid tactic, but how do the teachings of your martial art make that work for you?
We teachadaptability over everything else. Position over technique, tactics and strategy over technique, principles over technique, but adaptability over everything. When people train in stand up fighting, they tend to train at the distance that's most comfortable for them to throw their techniques to the best of their ability. When people get into fights repeatedly outside, besides being a thug, they tend to use the same distance/ambush/set up that's always worked for them. We like to take them out of that distance, out of that comfort zone. When you throw a strike at me- I'm moving, always throwing back. I may very well get hit, but I'm not going to get hit in the comfortable spot where you like to throw from, you'll have to adjust, but I'm moving as you do (still striking, you ain't getting no free lunch here) - because I'm trying to gain position. And I'm going to get it, too.
How do you guys fight? What does the end result of American kempo, Goju Ryu or whatever style you do, look like to the trained observer?
We box, we punch and kick, we grapple and at times mix it up. But we always start pure grappling from the ground instead of standing. It's easier and safer, at least to me.
To the trained observer - depends. A lot would say we move like kickboxers, but the people saying that haven't actually kickboxed.(which I find amusing) If you have kickboxed you would say, "No, not quite, it's different".
There's a certain cadence/timing to kickboxing. A certain cadence in actual knock out fighting competition, and a different cadence to kickbox training. Having done plenty of both, that's not it. So, again, depends on the actual training of the observer.
When we do our version of what would be considered MMA (but it's not because I'm not letting them kill each other with elbows and knees to the face) the cadence in movement is different because of shooting (or any other way you want to take him down) than it is without shooting.
I think a trained eye would declare it an eclectic style of movement. But I've always hated that term.
Sorry for the long post, I tend to talk a lot.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for taking the time to reply. I presume your adaptation approach is a personal development as opposed to a specific method?
What style do you practice?