I am looking for a universal defensive weapon that I can carry in no carry zones or states that dont allow any weapons such as NYC and NJ. I came to the conclusion that a kane would be my best bet. Can I take it on an air craft? Figure it will make me look weak and give me a very good advantage. I am looking for the best regular kane that wont break. Not sure if I should go solid wood or some type of titanium. Who makes these things possibly with defense in mind? Something solid and legal that I can take anywhere.
Canemasters is probably what you're looking for. However, like Chris Parker, I question your motives, based on your statements. Are you very young? I ask not to insult you, but your statements seem very 'comic book' based. This ain't the movies.
Most places support the right of the disabled to use whatever is required for their mobility. Generally, disability is presumed if claimed - you don't have to prove you need a cane if you say you need one. Yes, you can take a cane on a plane. However, you could find yourself in such a situation if you had to use a cane for self-defense and the police asked you why you were carrying it - especially if you seem able-bodied then.
"Looking weak" is, in my opinion, a very poor defense. The strong attack the weak, in nature and in human societies. You will attract violence, not the other way around. It is one thing to look non-threatening; it is quite another to look 'weak'.
A cane, like a firearm, is not a magic wand. Owning one that "won't break" is a lot less important than knowing how to use one. You can be quite effectively beaten to death with your own indestructible cane when it's been taken away from you, know what I mean?
I am also looking for a crazy sword cane that wont snap.
This is not the late 19th century in England. Gentlemen do not go about with cane swords, capes, and top hats. Get caught with a cane sword and it is a concealed weapon, of the same nature as carrying a concealed handgun without a permit. Very bad idea.
Finally, I am looking for a walking stick. What do you guys use for hiking?
A stick. In the woods, there seem to be a lot of them about. Have you been there?
I notice alot of people use ski polls? Any ideas where to get kane training?
Canemasters again.
Oh yea and figure I would get a good baseball bat for hotel room defense when im in a no gun state. Better than nothing by a long shot....
A baseball bat is a baseball bat when you are playing baseball. Otherwise, it's potentially a deadly weapon, according to the police. Intent is everything.
For example, truckers often carry 'tire thumpers'. They might be able to get away with it; they have an actual use for the things. If you're not driving a semi, it's a bit more difficult to explain to law enforcement. Don't get into the mindset that if you hit someone with a baseball bat, it will be OK because it's not a club. It's a club if you use it that way. And frankly, although it can be a nice weapon of expedience, it makes a better baseball bat.