Defense Against Bombings

Probably lives where those aren't viable means of transport. Same would apply everywhere I've ever lived.

The point of public transport though is to have it in just such places! We even have postbuses which as the post gets delivered everywhere means you can always catch the post bus.
The point of public transport though is to have it in just such places! We even have postbuses which as the post gets delivered everywhere means you can always catch the post bus.
We don't have anything similar. It would be unreasonable in some areas of the US - some are too sparsely populated. Where I am now, the idea of a post bus might work - we'd just have to overcome our habit of depending upon our instant access to cars. It's one of those problems with such a geographically large country, with low-density areas. In most of the US, public transit is pretty good around the largest metropolitan areas, but gets flaky even around some of the big-ish cities (like Charlotte, NC). Those areas get buses, but only for the immediate surrounding areas. Drive more than 10 miles away, and in a lot of areas the public transit stops (unless there's a very big population, like around New York, NY and Newark, NJ or around Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD).
...and does the person appear Arabic?
Arabic is a LANGUAGE spoken by Arabs and other peoples.

This makes me laugh just as much as when people call themselves or others "Spanish" when they are in fact Hispanic and not from Spain. i.e. people from Mexico are Mexican, not Spanish. Somehow, people don't call Americans (or how about Jamaicans?) English. But we speak English. Odd, isn't it?

I'll climb off my soapbox now :)
Defense against bombings? Very, very easy... stay completely out of the blast zone. Do that, and you have nothing to worry about.

Talk about overthinking it :)
I've used the Underground for decades, there's never been a problem with 'eye contact'. Perhaps it's the way you look at people?
possibly, but your a lady, so maybe its different, people on the tube get very uncumfortable if i make eye contact let alone speak to them,its just not the done thing down there like it is in Manchester if I'm bored i do it for fun, then you get loads of room on a packed tube
Arabic is a LANGUAGE spoken by Arabs and other peoples.

This makes me laugh just as much as when people call themselves or others "Spanish" when they are in fact Hispanic and not from Spain. i.e. people from Mexico are Mexican, not Spanish. Somehow, people don't call Americans (or how about Jamaicans?) English. But we speak English. Odd, isn't it?

I'll climb off my soapbox now :)
your on dodgy ground there, lots of jamaicans consider themself British and have a passport to prove it, England doesnt exist by any measure of what a country should have to be recognised as a county, in fact the individual states of America are closer to being countries than England is
Arabic is a LANGUAGE spoken by Arabs and other peoples.

This makes me laugh just as much as when people call themselves or others "Spanish" when they are in fact Hispanic and not from Spain. i.e. people from Mexico are Mexican, not Spanish. Somehow, people don't call Americans (or how about Jamaicans?) English. But we speak English. Odd, isn't it?

I'll climb off my soapbox now :)

Simple. We speak American. ;)

But I'll give you my use of that word was not correct.

Defense against bombings? Very, very easy... stay completely out of the blast zone. Do that, and you have nothing to worry about.

Talk about overthinking it :)

Tongue in cheek? But maybe it's true, I am still alive and unaffected. ;)
your on dodgy ground there, lots of jamaicans consider themself British and have a passport to prove it, England doesnt exist by any measure of what a country should have to be recognised as a county, in fact the individual states of America are closer to being countries than England is
Dodgy ground?

Jamaica has been an independent country since 1962. Sure, there are many people living in Jamaica carrying English passports; there's plenty of people living in the US carrying English passports too. So what?
Dodgy ground?

Jamaica has been an independent country since 1962. Sure, there are many people living in Jamaica carrying English passports; there's plenty of people living in the US carrying English passports too. So what?
no one is carrying an English pass port, there is no such thing
so what, well the colour of your passport determine your nationality
Dodgy ground?

Jamaica has been an independent country since 1962. Sure, there are many people living in Jamaica carrying English passports; there's plenty of people living in the US carrying English passports too. So what?
no one is carrying an English pass port, there is no such thing. Saying someone has an english
so what, well the colour of your passport determine your nationality
Too posh to use buses and trains eh?
The only passenger train I know of is the amtrak. Which no one likes because they can't operate without government grants. They only have a couple depots in the state in downtown areas. there are a few freight trains, but they're mostly up across the bridge in the UP. As for busses, never seen one outside of the city or metropolitan areas. There are school busses, but I didn't go to school. My town has around 2500 people and that's average for the area. I think the other issue with public transit is no one around here would pay another penny in taxes. No private buss company would consider service here.
Too posh to use buses and trains eh?
The only passenger train I know of is the amtrak. Which no one likes because they can't operate without government grants. They only have a couple depots in the state in downtown areas. there are a few freight trains, but they're mostly up across the bridge in the UP. As for busses, never seen one outside of the city or metropolitan areas. There are school busses, but I didn't go to school. My town has around 2500 people and that's average for the area. I think the other issue with public transit is no one around here would pay another penny in taxes. No private buss company would consider service here.
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The only passenger train I know of is the amtrak. Which no one likes because they can't operate without government grants

Most of Europe's train services run with government help or are government run which is why they are affordable, reliable and on time. Ours used to be but were privatised and it's been a disaster ever since.
Most of Europe's train services run with government help or are government run which is why they are affordable, reliable and on time. Ours used to be but were privatised and it's been a disaster ever since.
I'm not debating that, but why have you answered my post about passports with one about train reliability ?

that said i have no memory of,a,time when BR could have been described as reliable and on time, cheap possibly
I'm not debating that, but why have you answered my post about passports with one about train reliability ?

that said i have no memory of,a,time when BR could have been described as reliable and on time, cheap possibly
Posting system screwed up! I'm much older than you and I remember British Rail working very well in comparison to todays 'service'.
Posting system screwed up! I'm much older than you and I remember British Rail working very well in comparison to todays 'service'.
yes possibly in the 1940s when it was on a war footing shipping troops and arms ,about,. But once they got rid of the,steam trains, which i just about remember, it was terrible
Defense against bombings? Very, very easy... stay completely out of the blast zone. Do that, and you have nothing to worry about.

Talk about overthinking it :)

That's a great idea, provided you know where the blast zone is.
yes possibly in the 1940s when it was on a war footing shipping troops and arms ,about,. But once they got rid of the,steam trains, which i just about remember, it was terrible

It wasn't that bad in the 50s, 60s and 70s, it's an urban myth now that BR was so bad, compared to the fares charges now, the lack of trains, trains cancelled, the over crowding, BR was never that bad. Plus until the then government had Beeching cut the railways up you could get a train to most towns and even villages.
There has just been another bombing as I saw on the news in London in the subway somebody set off a bucket bomb and there were multiple injuries but fortunately nobody was killed. Bombers can be hard to detect as they will hide the bomb in a bag or under their clothes. The best thing I can think of to do is to be alert, especially in areas where there's lots of people. I was in Manhattan last month and I applied that same principle.

Defense against bombing? Pak Sau, or maybe Tan Sau