Dead Soldier; Happy Mom


Brown Belt
Jul 6, 2005
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I've never seen the mother of a dead soldier look so happy.


Sheehan, 48, was the first taken into custody. She smiled as she was carried to the curb, then stood up and walked to a police vehicle while protesters chanted, "The whole world is watching."
"I would like to say to Cindy Sheehan and her supporters: Don't be a group of unthinking lemmings," said Mitzy Kenny of Ridgeley, W.Va., whose husband died in Iraq last year. She said the anti-war demonstrations "can affect the war in a really negative way. It gives the enemy hope."
I could care less about what Sheehan legally does in protest of the war; however, she appears awfully plastic to me.

It looks to me as if she is using her son's death as a means for attention and validation.

IMO she is more than welcome to protest whatever the hell she wants, but this is just too fake for her to establish credibility in my mind.
I continue to assume she thinks she's makiing his death meaningful. Of course, I can't know whether thisis the case or not.
arnisador said:
I continue to assume she thinks she's makiing his death meaningful.
Maybe this is so.

Perhaps every time she gets arrested, or everytime she gets media coverage, she thinks that she has brought meaning to a death she views as meaningless.

Good point there.
I disagree with the title of this thread; strongly.

I would like to point out that Ms. Sheehan was arrested yesterday, October 26, 2005 for 'Demonstration without a Permit'. Ms. Sheehan was participating in a 'Die In', in recognition of the more than 2000 US Fatalities in Iraq. Protestors laid down in front of the White House, refused to move when asked, three times, and were arrested.

It is expected the protestors will pay a $75.00 fine and be released.

Rumor has it, that she plans to protest again today.

Incidentally, the photograph linked to above, which apparently caused someone to label Ms. Sheehan a 'Happy Mom', because of her smile ...I think Ms. Sheehan has stated she was smiling because at that moment, she was convinced the whole world could see her underwear.
Jeez, who could have guessed she would ever pull another stunt to get arrested? :rolleyes:

On the upside, it seems as though people have pretty much stopped noticing her.
ginshun said:
On the upside, it seems as though people have pretty much stopped noticing her.

Are you sure ... Somewhere in the last few months, the majority of Americans decided they don't think President Bush is doing too slick of a job in Iraq. Only a fool would discount Ms. Sheehan had at least some impact on that.

NORFOLK, Va. Oct 28, 2005 — At a turbulent point in his presidency, President Bush sought to bolster public backing for his war policies Friday, just days after the U.S. death toll in Iraq surpassed 2,000.

"We will never back down, we will never give in and we will never accept anything less than complete victory," the president said.

AP-Ipsos polling shows that public support for Bush's handling of Iraq is at its lowest point, 37 percent, roughly where it has been since early August, and fewer than half of Americans, 46 percent, approve of Bush's handling of foreign policy and the war on terrorism.

And don't you just love how President Bush comes up with Tim Allen's line from Galaxy Quest? Apparently the President was left to his own devices as Mr. Rove plays Rock-Paper-Scissors with Special Prosecutor Fitzgerald.
Tgace said:
Cindy who?

~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~
~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~
~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~
~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~

~ Casey, can you come home, after the war (after the war) ~
~ We can hang out at the reflecting pool (reflecting pool) ~
~ Did your mom get back from her jail house trip (jail house trip) ~
~ Is she there, did Mr. Bush try to give her the slip (give her the slip) ~

~ You know, we're not as blind as we used to be ~
~ Sure Saddam is all gone, but Georgie can't you see! ~

~ Casey's Mom, has got it goin' on ~
~ What Noble Cause? We've watched for so long. ~
~ Georgie can't you see, they're not dyin' just for me ~
~ You know it must be wrong, or you would meet with Casey's mom. ~

~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~
~ Casey's mom, has got it goin' on ~

~ Georgie, do you remember down there in Crawford (down in Crawford) ~
~ His mom hangin out on the side of the road (side of the road) ~
~ We could tell you didn't like her, you drove so fast (drove so fast) ~
~ She held up a mirror, and you looked like an *** (looked like an ***) ~

~ And I know you wish it would all go away ~
~ But if you don't walk out, she'll get stronger every day ~

~ Casey's mom has got it goin' on ~
~ What's the Noble Cause, they've been dying for too long ~
~ Georgie can't you see, two thousand dead and three ~
~ You know it must be wrong - or you could meet with Casey's Mom ~
ginshun said:
On the upside, it seems as though people have pretty much stopped noticing her.

She does seem to be getting much less attention...though as noted, her desired effect of lowering the president's approval rating and support seems to be occurring, coincidence or not.
Theban_Legion said:
I could care less about what Sheehan legally does in protest of the war; however, she appears awfully plastic to me.

Indeed. It seems that her son's death has made her what many people struggle all their lives for. Namely, known to everyone in America.

I honestly wonder if her son would want her to be doing this. Of course, I do not think that his opinion really matters to her.

Where I to make a choice like her son did to join the military, I would hope that those who loved me would not use my name to further their own agendas if I died.

I do not think any of my friends would. But you can't choose who you are related to.
arnisador said:
She does seem to be getting much less attention...though as noted, her desired effect of lowering the president's approval rating and support seems to be occurring, coincidence or not.

Is it Ms. Sheehan's desire to have the Presidents approval rating lowered?

I thought she wanted to know why American's are dying in a foreign land? President Bush has said her son's sacrifice was for a 'Noble Cause', it appears that she doesn't understand what the 'Noble Cause' is, and seeks clarification.

As the President has been unwilling to discuss that topic, she is calling for all the other mothers' children to come home.

Don Roley said:
I would hope that those who loved me would not use my name to further their own agendas if I died.

What is her agenda? Or, what do you mean by 'agenda'? It is a term laden with vitriol. I suppose it is a code word that some will understand, but I certainly don't.
michaeledward said:
What is her agenda? Or, what do you mean by 'agenda'? It is a term laden with vitriol. I suppose it is a code word that some will understand, but I certainly don't.

I suspect part of her agenda is to be a celebrity. But even if it is not, if she had not used her relationship with her son we would not know of her. Her dead son, whether he would agree with her point or not, is the cause of her fame and her effectiveness. I would not like someone using my name like that unless they were sure it was a cause I supported.
Got it .... because you believe she is seeking 15 minutes of fame, her calls for peace can go completely unheeded; never mind that her son is dead forever.

I don't think Ms. Sheehan is using her son's name for any cause.

She is certainly using his death for a cause. And that he is dead, he no longer has an opinion, so we are left with hers. And it seems to me she has every right to use her son's death in any way she chooses.

She certainly has more claim to her son's death than those who are claiming she has an agenda.
michaeledward said:
She certainly has more claim to her son's death than those who are claiming she has an agenda.

I agree. I'm not going to question whether her son would've approved or not. There are enough soldiers who don't think we should be in Iraq--it's very plausible he was one of him. His mother would be in a goo dposition to know. Does she really know what he thought? We'll never learn the answer to that.
But, I do not believe she is arguing what Casey wanted, or would have wanted.

I believe she is arguing that there are 160,000 mothers in this country, who might suffer the same loss she has. It seems she wants to not have any more mothers become part of the Gold Star organization.
michaeledward said:
But, I do not believe she is arguing what Casey wanted, or would have wanted.

I believe she is arguing that there are 160,000 mothers in this country, who might suffer the same loss she has. It seems she wants to not have any more mothers become part of the Gold Star organization.

Fine. But the fact remains that she is using her dead sons name to further that cause when that son probably did not share her opinions. He is now too dead to rebut how she is using him.

I would not like to have that happen to me if I died.
Would be nice to fight wars with no casualties.

Seems she's so obsessed with her own feelings that she is negating the sacrifice that her son willingly made. Probably why the rest of the family is giving her the boot.
It is never nice to fight a war.

In wars people die.

When war is needed as a tool of the state, it should be for clear, measurable objectives. The Constitution of the United States demands that Congress declare war. The Congress abdicated its responsibility. The President usurped power. We have no measurable objectives.

And young men and women are dying every day.

No thinking person should be in favor of this war. Every thinking person should be rallying behind Ms. Sheehan and demanding answers from the President.

Pottery Barn rule be damned.
michaeledward said:
The Constitution of the United States demands that Congress declare war. The Congress abdicated its responsibility.

I seem to remember that congress did give the president the authorization to use force.

Perhaps you mean that you feel that congress made the wrong choice.

And whatever you feel about the war, I think we can conclude that this mother has taken advantage of her son's death to get what she wants. She would not be half as famous or have as much of an impact if she had not used the image of her son- who probably would not agree with her.

That is the subject of this thread. The nobility of her cause does not erase the way she has used her dead son's status for her own purposes.