Liberals don't tend to be confused with strict constructionalists ...
but if you're all for throwing out the Bill of Right, go right ahead. But the answer to the question is <drum roll please> The First Amendment.
'Congress shall make no law ... blah blah blah
Well, She didn't get the permit (apart from the whole 1st Amendment issue) because she had every intention of getting arrested. Don't you think its just a little embarrasing to haul off a little old lady who just wants to deliver a message to the President?
I don't know how many times she said 'The Whole World is Watching'. And, sadly, I don't believe the whole word was watching. Check your local 'Fair and Balanced' liberal media outlet. Check to see how much space they gave to the 100,000 plus protest on the capital mall (in column inches, or air time) and compare it to the amount of space they gave to the 400 people gathered to protest the peace march and support the President. In all likelyhood, the two groups were given equal space and time. 100,000 to 400 given equal time ... that counts as 'Fair and Balanced', eh ... seems like a gift to the right wing.
And I am not going to ascribe to her delusions. I am going to take her at her word, that she would like to question the president "What is the Noble Cause for which her son gave his life?"
- To Save America from Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction
- Because Saddam Hussein was involved in September 11
- Because Saddam Hussein was an evil man
- To Transform the Middle East and Spread Democracy
- Because other soldiers have died, more soldiers must die
The President has decided to not address Ms. Sheehan. That certainly is his perogative. I'm sure he has been far too busy destroying the careers of life-long civil servants to pay much attention. Either that, or he is hiding in Cheyanne Mountain. Ole Tin Ear deserves, certainly, to be taken to the woodshed for allowing Ms. Sheehan to gain such a political foothold; to allow her to become so well known that internet posters feel they can attack ad hominem.
I am also wondering what qualifies as a 'real reason' for protest? Do you think a tarrif on tea would qualify? How about forcing an old lady to sit in the back of the bus? Surely, if these qualify as a 'real reason' for protest, then the death of a loved on in an undeclared war should qualify, don't you think?
Oh, My, this was just going to be a quick little response.
Anyhow, if you feel you don't need any of your rights at the present time, please feel free to give them to me. Mine seem to be in short supply.