No. It is something that does not have to be supported by fact. Your own definition you posted awhile back says so.
Exactly. So why do you continue to assert that people that believe in evolution are doing so based on faith?
You are misreading the definition you posted yourself. Please read it again:
"Faith [noun]: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof."
Does it say that logical proof is required? No. Does it say logical proof is not required? No. It says 'especially without.' Meaning that one can have faith even with.
Huh? Who's misreading what here? I think I know what I mean more than you know what I mean... just sayin'...unless you're somehow in my head!
If you cannot read and understand the definition you posted yourself, we don't have much more road to travel together.
I think "understanding" has flown the coup and the road you speak of is a one-way street.
Correct. I have never said otherwise.
No, but you seem to confuse belief with faith.
If you think I have an agenda, please do not make sly innuendo. Just say it.
OK, I will... I think you're an alien and your agend is to get into my brain and suck it dry in order to nurish your alien seedlings so that they can hatch and help you take over the world. There...I said it.
Where have I said otherwise?
Right there... you said "
otherwise." It's right there in a quote box for everyone to see. :burp:
Seriously, my point was that you continue to assert that people who recognize evolution is real do so based on faith; not the simple fact that it simply does and the fact that it does is based on scientific fact. The same can not be said of faith in a god.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not knocking anyone's beliefs but no religion can provide evidence that their particular god is the one and only or the "right" one. You sure can't do it based on which one's been around the longest. :uhohh:
Your error is that your logic is skewed. Faith does not require proof. But you presume that the existence of proof therefore makes a belief not faith. This is an error, and your own statements show it:
" does not require evidence or proof..."
Obviously. :shrug: As I am the one asserting that belief in evolution is based on faith. :duh: what was I thinking!?
By your own words, faith is not dependent upon proof. Proof in the affirmative or proof in the negative. One can have faith in things which are true, even things which are provable. Proof, as you say, is not required.
Huh? What "faith" are you referring to? Are we off the "religeous faith" thing now? Because I thought this thread had to do with how evolution is disputed by those with "religious faith" that adhere to creationism. :idunno:
I will not take issue with your teacher, because I do not know what she taught you. Your understanding is flawed.
She taught me college level Biology and my notes prove that my understanding is flawed as well as her teaching. We all know that you have a PhD in Biology and have given many lectures regarding evolution at all the top schools. Right?
You still seem to believe I am taking issue with evolution. I am not. I am taking issue with your belief in it. What you believe in as 'evolution' is not correct. Therefore, your belief is 'faith'. That's the way it is. It has nothing to do with the fact of evolution.
No, I take issue with your assertion that people's belief in evolution is based on faith and that you continue to try and place them in the same vein as people who believe in a god based on faith. It's not the same. That's what I take issue with. One is based on fact, the other is based on a belief taught to you from childhood with no basis in fact.
I also take issue with the fact that you continue to assert that my understanding of evolution is flawed, though it is based on an actual education and the accepted rule of science while you continue to fail in backing up anything you claim to be as fact.
I think what you fail to understand and can't seem to accept is that your opinion is not fact. I understand that it's your opinion and is indeed important to you, but your opinion is not the foundation of scientific facts. And neither is mine or anyone else's for that matter. Until you can prove or at least support your position it is simply hot air.
Your notes are accurate. Your previous statements regarding evolution are incorrect and reveal a flawed understanding of the process.
Alrighty then... So my notes are accurate yet the statements based on those notes are incorrect? Gotcha'. Glad we got that straightened out.
I don't suppose you simply didn't understand what I was saying? No... that couldn't be it. It was definately me. :shrug:
You indicated a belief that species evolve in reaction to stimulus, such as being isolated. This is not true - your notes say it is not true. You failed to grasp your own written notes. Species mutate constantly, and at a steady and predictable rate. With or without pressure to adapt, they continue to mutate. When a viable mutation appears that gives that new mutation a survival advantage over the previous mutation, that new mutation will tend to survive, reproduce, and eventually supplant the original. That is evolution. Your notes describe it well. You said something entirely different. notes say otherwise... you know...the ones you said were accurate. It is in fact a reaction to stimulus within the environment that causes species to adapt; heat, cold, dry, wet...availability of food ..etc.
When a group of a species migrates into another environment... and become
isolated from the original group, the factors of the new environment influence how they evolve but have no influence on the original group...
Darwin points this out by using the examples of the different species of finch in the islands pointing out that their beaks evolved to adapt to the available food sources.
I think you perhaps misunderstood what I meant by "isolated." I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and apologize for confusing you.
You also said that people are being born without appendixes, and that is evidence of evolution. It is not. Being born without an appendix is a mutation. In humans, it conveys no survival or reproductive advantage, therefore it is not evolution. It is not evolution because this mutation does not increase the odds that people without appendixes will outbreed people with appendixes and eventually replace them. You posit that someday people will no longer have an appendix. This is not true, at least not based on evolution.
Perhaps I'm not the one who confused you after all. I don't know where you're drawing this infinite knowledge of science from (propbably because you don't back up anything) but it's terribly skewed and incorrect.
If a mutation, as you put it, occurs due to an environmental influence it's not evolution? That's what you're saying. Do you know what an appendix is used for? That animals that actually do use one. Here's a homework assignment for you... research that. Then perhaps you'll figure out why humans aren't using them much any more.
Darwin stated that those best adapted to their environment would survive. If my environment has no meat, and I don't adapt to eating grass then I will likely die. It's really not that complicated.
Again, your understanding of evolution is flawed. You believe in something that is in fact true, but your understanding is not true. Therefore, your belief is faith.
Of course it is, because Bill says so. I don't suppose you'd like to actually present any facts or evidence to prove your assertion? I know it'd be a change for you but change is good! You should try it sometime, you know... evolve a little. :rofl:
That does not invalidate evolution. It just makes your belief the same as that of a person who believes in God; an act of faith.
Did you learn to "stretch" like that in MA class or does it come naturally?