I think many would do well to realise that both theism and athiesm are ABSOLUTE positions therefore for the one side to label the other as dogmatic is hypocritical.
I have no issue with anyone's position on the matter. What bothers me is when dogma attempts to force itself. This [as many athiests seem wholly unaware] is what Dawkins is contemptibly guilty of [in common, granted, with a huge swathe of theists as dictated by their own religion's very mission statement].
Only the professing agnostic can claim any impartiality.
Should Dawkins et al accept their own position as being rigidly dogmatic; verging upon indoctrinated, then I should have no issue whatsoever.
There's no hope for rational discussion with people that deal in absolutes. They're absolutely sure they are always right! LOL
Dawkins, a premier scientist in his field explains to this woman countless times the evidence for evolution, every time she dismisses him with a condescending laugh, then she has the hubris to actually try and explain to him how science works...and he is the one being patronizing and an a-hole?
Maybe you and her should go on a date, you seem both seem to exist in the same alternate reality.
I can relate to Dawkins in this manner. With some people it doesn't matter how much proof you throw at them there is no convincing them that there is even a chance they could be wrong.
I guess some people that have "faith" require no evidence and/or ignore any evidence that is contrary to their beliefs. LOL
Again, you are not reading what I am saying. I am not saying evolution does not exist or is not real. It does exist, it is real.
You don't have to convince me of that. I know it's real, but some people won't accept it no matter how much proof is presented. Instead, they adhere to a belief that is not founded on fact; just faith.
I am saying that belief in evolution without understanding it is faith.
Faith that science is correct perhaps. I don't have to understand the science behind the combustion engine to know the basics of how it works and I can definately see the proof of it every day on my drive to work. LOL
You, sir, do not understand evolution. Everything in your statements above is wrong, incorrect, a flawed understanding of the process.
You're right. My college Biology Professor was an idiot for passing me and I in no way deserved the "B" I recieved for that course.
I have faith that you know more about it than I do as evidenced by your well thought out and absolutely correct posts within this thread. :lol:
I'll refrain from posting any more links to substantiate my position as I know from previous experience with you that you will not bother to follow them and/or read the information provided by them. :idunno:
Evolution remains real, but you do not understand it. Yet you believe in it. That, sir, is faith.
Faith [noun]: belief in, devotion to, or trust in somebody or something, especially without logical proof.
I believe I have logical proof that evolution is real and have actually cited examples; therefore your assertion is wrong... not that you'd ever admit that even with the actual definition staring you in the face. LOL :toilclaw:
Religion may or may not be based in reality - there is no proof either way. It is therefore necessarily based on faith.
The difference between science and religion is that religion is always based on faith. Science is based on faith only by people who do not understand it.
There's a lot more to differentiate the two than that. For example: Religion's role in explaining man's world (like why a drought occured) has largely been replaced by Science.
Understanding is not a requirment for belief and therfore equating it with faith is an incorrect assumption. As in the example above, I don't have to understand the intricacies of how the combustion engine works to know that it does. There is plenty of logical proof that is readily available to back it up.
I believe in God - that is faith. I believe in evolution - in my case, it is not faith, because I understand what it is and how it works (based on the latest evidence and scientific proof). What you have is faith in evolution.
Faith is not about fact or fiction, faith is about belief without understanding.
You almost have it right. It's fiction you accept as fact without logical proof. Understanding has nothing to do with faith.
Correct. Evolution is proven and real. It exists.
Now that we've established that...
Faith is real as well. So?
I am saying that *some* people have an uneducated belief that evolution is correct, and that is indistinguishable from the faith people who believe in religion have.
How so? It doesn't matter. One has logical, irrefutable proof and the other does not. That's the real difference.
Faith is utterly removed from the truth or untruth of the belief espoused. God may be real, or not. Evolution is indisputably real. But faith in either is not based on a scientific proof of either, it is based on personal choice.
...um...how can faith be removed from the belief; regardless of factual evidence. Is not faith by it's defintion a belief without proof? :erg:
So I continue to maintain that while evolution is real, belief in it without personal understanding is in fact faith.
And you would continue to be wrong.
Evolution exists regardless of whether you understand it or not. Those that do not understand it may be putting their "faith" in the science that proves it exists, but that doesn't change the fact that it does.
You can put your "faith" in your priest, reverend, monk...whatever... and what they tell you as "truth", but that doesn't change the fact that there is no evidence to support what they tell you is true.
So, the difference is one is supported by evidence and the other is not. Understanding is irrelevant.
One has only to watch some of the vociferous debates pro-and-con about evolution versus religion to see that both sides have zealots who are emotionally invested in their belief system to the exclusion of fact, logic, or principle. These are in fact religious wars, and those who point out that the people on the 'evolution' side look and behave exactly like those on the 'religion' side are correct. It's all faith at that level, regardless of the reality of God or evolution.
I think you're confusing belief with faith.