Senior Master
As I have gotten deeper into the root concepts of old Okinawan karate and better understood kata applications, I found much similarity between it and kenpo.There was a karate historian by the name of Charles Goodin, I believe, who wrote an article on form/kata applications and he said to look at the kenpo self-defense techniques and you could find a lot of the applications you were looking for in the katas.
We should not lose sight of the fact that Mitose was a practitioner of Okinawan style karate and a major contributor to Prof. Chow's (Parker's teacher) karate foundation. So it should be no surprise that there are more than a couple of similarities between them:
Simultaneous defense and offense
Single thrust-dual purpose
Low target kicking
Close range fighting emphasis
Certainly the "flavor" and look of the style changed due to Chow's Chinese and Polynesian influences and further refinement by Parker.