Curriculum Balance in Taekwondo Gymnasiums - PhD Survey


White Belt
Hello Fellow Taekwondo Practitioners,

My name is Craig Rueter and I am currently doing my PhD in Taekwondo at Kyunghee University in Suwon, South Korea. In completion of my PhD I am doing a survey to try and determine what is being taught in taekwondo gyms around the world. I am looking at how country of origin and generation of taekwondo instructor, as well as how potential changes in the instructor's concept of taekwondo affect the curriculum balance in taekwondo gyms.

I would really appreciate if you could take about 15 minutes and fill out the survey.
I have an English version here:
And a Korean version here:

Thank you very much for your time and interest!
Craig Rueter

about me: I am a 5th Dan in Taekwondo. I studied under GM Yong Chin Pak at Iowa State University in the USA and I am currently a student of GM Shin Chul Kang in South Korea. I did a master's degree in Taekwondo at Yongin University and am currently doing my PhD at Kyunghee University.
What exactly do you learn as part of an academic degree in TKD? Is it the history and philosophy of martial arts? Trying to recreate whatever the old Korean martial arts were from before the Japanese occupation?

Also, when you inserted the link there, you mixed up which one was supposed to be the URL and which one was the discrption. If people want to take it they'll have to copy the text of the link rather than clicking on it.

ETA: I found the questions about changing curriculum to be unclear.
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Hello Everyone,

Someone pointed out that I somehow messed up the link to the English version of the survey. I'm not sure what I did, but I will try it again:

Hopefully that will work. Thanks to everyone who managed to finagle a way around my mistake and take the survey. If you did make it to the original, I'd like to ask help in correcting another mistake I made. I really want to know how much time is spent in gyms on citizenship/ethical/moral instruction, but somehow managed to erase it from the options. I made a patch survey to address the problem here:

Thank you for your time and support!
What exactly do you learn as part of an academic degree in TKD? Is it the history and philosophy of martial arts? Trying to recreate whatever the old Korean martial arts were from before the Japanese occupation?

Also, when you inserted the link there, you mixed up which one was supposed to be the URL and which one was the discrption. If people want to take it they'll have to copy the text of the link rather than clicking on it.

ETA: I found the questions about changing curriculum to be unclear.
Thank you for the heads up on the link. I think I fixed it in a post above this. Also, I just replied to your post but seem to have lost it somehow, so here we go again! My PhD classes have been a combination of sports marketing, sport psychology, event planning, research methodology, consumer behavior and natural science courses all with an emphasis on taekwondo. I did my masters at Yongin University and the classes were similar, though they also included exercise prescription. At Yongin I was able to spend the bulk of the time training in taekwondo and the other marital arts offered there, but I have been too busy working full time to do the physical classes at Kyunghee.

I agree that the changing curriculum questions are a little confusing. I started out asking in a typical class, how much time is spent on...but feedback and my own thought processes about it helped me realize that in any given gym classes could be one hour, two, three...that Mondays might be sparring days and Wednesdays might be forms...etc. The format that I decided on was the closest I could come up with that allowed for flexibility in answering based on how different all of our gyms are. Thanks for finding your way through my confusing questions as best you could :)

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