Cross Training?


Master of Arts
I've decided that I'm going to cross train in a martial art different from my own. My question is, do you here in this forum think that it's necessary to inform the master instructor from whatever my new school/dojo/dojang, etc., may be that I've already been studying, and advanced in a different martial art?

I don't want any special treatment, and I expect to begin at the bottom of the MA ladder again. I just want to learn more...:asian:
the answer is YES. u should tell the New Instructor everythign about u....
may be u r advance but u r just starting in his style.
Wait until the new instructor asks. As long as you patiently learn the new techniques nobody should mind what you have done before.

It's rank beginners who are more dangerous. Do watch out that you don't casually break one of the new dojo's rules because you assumed that everything would be the same.
I train at different schools. And Id say no. My instructor at my TKD school frowns on cross training. He believes in loyalty to one system and instructor. That is great, but as much as I like TKD, i dont feel completly satisfied with it. At my Pekiti Tersia school, my instructor doesnt care, where you have been or what you studied. You advance by developing natural skill. If past influences help you develop your skill faster great, sometimes past martial training can hinder training in new systems. If you fell that either instructor would get upset, or frown on cross training, dont tell them. This is your journey, and you must do what is right for you.
Really, Warder???? Dang, I was going to take Judo in the spring. I didn't know Master K had a problem with it. You think I should and just not tell him? ....... Wow! I'm kind of disappointed, but not suprised.

Anyways, I think cross training is a good idea. I do TKD now, and I think Judo or Jujistu (as groundfighting arts) will go good with TKD. If I could find a Hapkido dojang, that would be even better.

My Tang Soo Do instructor didn't have a problem with cross training. In fact, we had a jujitsu teacher that came to our dojang to teach every Tuesday, and about 6 of us took the class. There were others who did Tang Soo Do and Aikido (I think). We also learned Hapkido on top of TSD.

I would tell the new instructor to see how he feels about it. Hopefully your present instructor won't have problem with it either, specially if you are going to stay there.
Kararekid, dont tell anyone at the TKD school your crosstraining. it is more than frowned upon. Keep it between you me, and brian.
The thing about me is that I'm so proud and respect my art, Taekwondo, so much. I just want to test the MA waters. I don't mean to disrespect my art by cross training. No matter what, TKD is my base, always will be and I will always return home to it.

But, I'm reasonable enough to understand that TKD is not the end all to end all. Of course not. Any reasonable MAist can't rationally make the statement that their art is the best of the best. IMHO every art has its pros and cons.

I just want to expand my MA knowledge... :asian:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin

The thing about me is that I'm so proud and respect my art, Taekwondo, so much. I just want to test the MA waters. I don't mean to disrespect my art by cross training. No matter what, TKD is my base, always will be and I will always return home to it.

But, I'm reasonable enough to understand that TKD is not the end all to end all. Of course not. Any reasonable MAist can't rationally make the statement that their art is the best of the best. IMHO every art has its pros and cons.

I just want to expand my MA knowledge... :asian:

Well said sir. Go cross train, kick butt, and take names.:)

Much success to your training.
U Will Find Many Things Are Common
In M.A. & U Will Find New Way's to apply old Tech.
Never Stop Learning.


And Yes U should Tell The new instructor.
Good Luck.
hmm cross training is being frowned upon?
well i don't mind cross training but if u r beginner then i'll ask u to put more efforts in ur first style when u hav good base of understand then try cross training...i m saying this because it's a way to recoganise ur set of tools in ur style to use it against different oppnts n different styles, after cross training(say wrestling) u cannot win a wrestler with wrestling because it's their base style but u can win learning some things from wrestling n then complementing with ur style...
this is one reason i don't go into dojo's but look for training partners like i train against boxers, wrestlers but havn't joined their classes...
i m with cali_tkd on that cross training is just an excuse for not spending too much time in TKD ;) lol teacher who hav about 20 yrs in TKD can fight against any styles n he havn't cross trained except karate(which is also striking) :)

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