Criticisms of Karate

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Side note: I am sure many knew this already. The three knuckles punch is not Bruce Lee's original invention. He borrowed it from western boxing as well as from Wing Chun. It has been in use ever since the days of bare-knuckle boxing in the west.
Well since Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do is heavily influenced by Wing Chun, as well as Jun Fan Gung Fu which has a great deal of influence to WC and Chinese boxing, western boxing thats the reason why Sijo Lee taught using that fist form. Using the "Straight lead" which is its most common referal in JKD or Jun Fan. Bruce Lee's Tao of JKD references the staight lead punch from pages 91-99. Now even Bruce showed different technique and forms of fist strenghts and striking. He show's several different ways to punch in JKD he wasnt completly always drawn to Straight lead striking w/ bottom three knuckles. In delivering a shovel hook or any hook type punch he used he top two because of the simplicity of motion for one and the angle that your making contact. The same is reasoned w/ the 3/4 turn for a reverse punch vs. the horizontal reverse punch. I personally use the 3/4 turn reverse punch when delivering it, but thats preference over practice. I'll from time to time find me throwing the horizontal RP due to the many years of practicing it that way. Especially if Im throwing them from the Kibadachi stance....I have to actually think about the 3/4 fist when throwing rev. punching in Kiba dachi to discipline my self to do it that way...after so many ways of doing it another.....But in my opinion its a preference rather than I feel im doing it wrong or right. Again, Im greatful that I am able to understand the differences and my Renshi is very open minded and we can all empty our cups in the class.


Hey I'm a black belt- I could open a school, and two of my classmates have students of their own. I can give you some trouble in the ring, does that mean I can teach you how to use your body well in a fight? I can perform Bassai Dai, and I can show you the moves- does that mean I can pull it apart and give you understanding of all the lessons in this kata? Nope.

Actualy my sensei first started teaching class's as a brown belt. And my sensei doesn't do it for a living. He did this in interest of his own training, his sensei would come to him like every 2 months or something but he would have to travel to him every two weeks to learn. When his sensei came by it was to make sure my sensei's students could do what he was being taught. Keep in mind this is before my time and what he has told me. He has worked very hard and would hound his sensei's for more information(he would eat breakfeast and dinner and almost stalk them while he asked about stuff). Right now he has a second degree black belt and has held it for a number of years. He plans on having his third and fourth within the next year or two.

I'm only saying this because, just because you don't hold a high rank doesnt mean can't offer good training.

that's all i have to say on that matter, critisize if you wish ill responde with what i got.

About that platinum angel dude, your knowledge equivelant in boxing is equal to kata on it's own(maybe a little more). But you have to actualy get in the ring if you wanna know how to box.
Originally posted by Deathtrap101
I'm only saying this because, just because you don't hold a high rank doesnt mean can't offer good training.

Oh, I'm not arguing that you can't teach well at brown belt. But how many students do you see, in the dojo all the time, practicing and working faithfully to the extent your instructor did? Some. How many can really dig deep and then impart the info to someone else? Some.

But these are far outnumbered by the shodans who make the rank, then start teaching at Bob Smith All- American Karate and Bait Shop. These are the ones who cheapen the art and cheat their students by omission, if not by intention.

I know just because you hold a eighth degree black deosn't mean you can teach worth a damn, or that you didn't buy that rank (no need to elaborate here). ;) But if you put in the years and time and thought and sweat- what a gift it becomes to hand on to your students! Just my 2 cents. :asian:

A gift? Maybe in the sense that the teacher gives it without reservation...but the student must WORK to receive generally doesn't have to work for a gift...I think TREASURE is a better word.

Originally posted by chufeng

A gift? Maybe in the sense that the teacher gives it without reservation...but the student must WORK to receive generally doesn't have to work for a gift...I think TREASURE is a better word.


Well said!:asian:
That pesky platinum_angel sure did stir up one hell of a hornet's here in the short time he was around with his ignorant, myopic comments! :eek:

I noticed he recently got run. I'm sure that if wouldn't have gotten clipped, my Art would be next on his list... :mad: :angry:
Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
I'm sure that if wouldn't have gotten clipped, my Art would be next on his list... :mad: :angry:

Nah... I'm sure the rest of us would have been more than happy to bash TKD for him... :lol: :lol:


Originally posted by cali_tkdbruin
That pesky platinum_angel sure did stir up one hell of a hornet's here in the short time he was around with his ignorant, myopic comments! :eek:

I noticed he recently got run. I'm sure that if wouldn't have gotten clipped, my Art would be next on his list... :mad: :angry:
He already tried in kinda a vague watered down Infight kinda way...
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Nah... I'm sure the rest of us would have been more than happy to bash TKD for him... :lol:


I tell ya! We TKDists are like Rodney Dangerfield, we never get respect. :shrug:
First Karate takes a hit over here that it doesn't merit, and now we TKDists, just standing around innocently on the side and just minding our own business also take a shot in the nads.

Dang!!! I just poke my head in here to take a look see :lookie: to find out what all the commotion is about and I get assaulted too! :mad:
See if I ever come over again and visit all yall Karatekas... :moon:

;) :ultracool
Well, if you TKD people weren't so blatantly inflammatory in your constant public haranguing of the rest of us...

We know you are all just pretenders to the throne of Sinanju...


:( *sniff*

Maybe not. ;)

Hey if you're a good TKD practitioner, come by anytime and we'll work on my kicking combos- they're not as bitchin' as I'd like. :D

Then I'll show you Lin Wan Quin, and you'll feel a whole new type of burn-

Sounds like fun to me!:boing2:

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