Crescent or Inside out/outside in kick


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When you deliver your kick is it more of a crescent kick or actually a inside/outside kick?
Crescent is with the side of the foot and the outside/ inside is more of a slp with the bottom of the foot.
Which do you do more often and why?
Well when I teach the crescents the inward crescent is done with the the bottom of the foot. The outward crescent is done with the more um... outside knife edge of the foot. That's what was taught to me and that's what I pass on if someone is interested in learning the crescents. Call it what you will but I call mine crescents.:asian:
terryl965 said:
When you deliver your kick is it more of a crescent kick or actually a inside/outside kick?
Crescent is with the side of the foot and the outside/ inside is more of a slp with the bottom of the foot.
Which do you do more often and why?
according to your definition i think i deliver a crescent kick. in case of inside/outside i deliver with the bottom side of my foot, where the ankle is. the reason why is there's more control over that area of the foot then the upper half of the foot where the toes are. and the reason why i do a crescent is because i do use my knee in the kick to add more than just swinging the entire leg.
in case of outside/inside kick i use the instep of my foot. so my foot is kind of twisted a little bit.

let me ask you this, since you are way more experienced than any of us. how can i do a 360 tornado kick?! the info i need is where do you start, you jump using which leg, which leg is the one you bring up, and how do you make yourself twist?

mantis said:
according to your definition i think i deliver a crescent kick. in case of inside/outside i deliver with the bottom side of my foot, where the ankle is. the reason why is there's more control over that area of the foot then the upper half of the foot where the toes are. and the reason why i do a crescent is because i do use my knee in the kick to add more than just swinging the entire leg.
in case of outside/inside kick i use the instep of my foot. so my foot is kind of twisted a little bit.

let me ask you this, since you are way more experienced than any of us. how can i do a 360 tornado kick?! the info i need is where do you start, you jump using which leg, which leg is the one you bring up, and how do you make yourself twist?


Before I try and answer your question are you stronger with what leg, it is important to deliver with the strong leg.

Anyway a tornado is back legcrescent, back turn crescent,back leg crescent and jumping crescent, this is all done while moving forward to your oponet.
terryl965 said:
Before I try and answer your question are you stronger with what leg, it is important to deliver with the strong leg.

Anyway a tornado is back legcrescent, back turn crescent,back leg crescent and jumping crescent, this is all done while moving forward to your oponet.
i want to learn it using both of the legs, i want to train both. both of my legs are strong, although my right is more flexible.
hmm.. what i am trying to do is outside/inside while jumping and i should end up doing a 360. im having trouble with it, when i go back i can only do a 90 degree! lol
i kind of hurts my knees though, so i am trying to do it on grass!
mantis said:
i want to learn it using both of the legs, i want to train both. both of my legs are strong, although my right is more flexible.
hmm.. what i am trying to do is outside/inside while jumping and i should end up doing a 360. im having trouble with it, when i go back i can only do a 90 degree! lol
i kind of hurts my knees though, so i am trying to do it on grass!

I would first start off by only doing the kick hip high remember to turn open side out first and then just keep turning in the same diection for the next 540 after the first 180 and as you begen to be able to do the lower kick with speed just start to raise your leg until you can get to head level.
terryl965 said:
I would first start off by only doing the kick hip high remember to turn open side out first and then just keep turning in the same diection for the next 540 after the first 180 and as you begen to be able to do the lower kick with speed just start to raise your leg until you can get to head level.

I think I need a drawing of that! Is the outside crescent first, then you keep turning to do an inside crescent or are you doing another outside crescent after the 540 turn? We get real mixed up describing technique on MT. Some things just have to be demonstrated! TW
TigerWoman said:
I think I need a drawing of that! Is the outside crescent first, then you keep turning to do an inside crescent or are you doing another outside crescent after the 540 turn? We get real mixed up describing technique on MT. Some things just have to be demonstrated! TW

TW the outside crescent with the back leg striking with the inner part of the leg, then the other 180 turning the same direction kicking with a outside crescent with the outer part of the leg side and then another 180 degree turn kicking with the same kick as number one and than another 180 degree turn with a jumping crescent with theoutside portion again.
I wiil see about video taping my son doing it and sending it to bob so he can download it here on MT.
TigerWoman said:
I think I need a drawing of that! Is the outside crescent first, then you keep turning to do an inside crescent or are you doing another outside crescent after the 540 turn? We get real mixed up describing technique on MT. Some things just have to be demonstrated! TW

That technique would only take a second or two to film with a digital camera. Supporting Members can easily post it. I'll see what I can do later this after noon. In TSD, tornado kick is an advanced kick and we don't do it much...only for show ;)

However, it looks really cool!
For the initial question, I do an outside/in kick and make contact with the bottom of my foot. IMO, using the inside of your foot can potentially torque your knee. Oddly enough, when I do an inside/out crescent, I contact with the blade of my foot.

For a (360) Tornado, I don't throw it as a crescent, but as a roundhouse. It's a little more difficult because you have to roll your hip over, but generates more power.
Gemini said:
For the initial question, I do an outside/in kick and make contact with the bottom of my foot. IMO, using the inside of your foot can potentially torque your knee. Oddly enough, when I do an inside/out crescent, I contact with the blade of my foot.

For a (360) Tornado, I don't throw it as a crescent, but as a roundhouse. It's a little more difficult because you have to roll your hip over, but generates more power.

Yes I have seen people do a (360) tornado the way you have explained it, but I personally have never tried it with a roundhouse. I'll give it a shot tonight.
terryl965 said:
Yes I have seen people do a (360) tornado the way you have explained it, but I personally have never tried it with a roundhouse. I'll give it a shot tonight.
Don't break a hip, old man...:p

Oh, that's right. I'm older than you...opps! :)
Also the same for us. Tornado is only referred to as a Tornado round kick in our dojang. Actually, I had to do that as a speed break for my 2nd dan test. I can make it twice around but not for three times for a crescent, then a half turn jump crescent would probably land me on the floor from dizziness and a wrenched knee. Ah to be younger! TW
TigerWoman said:
Also the same for us. Tornado is only referred to as a Tornado round kick in our dojang. Actually, I had to do that as a speed break for my 2nd dan test. I can make it twice around but not for three times for a crescent, then a half turn jump crescent would probably land me on the floor from dizziness and a wrenched knee. Ah to be younger! TW
That's pretty common, TW. Focus on getting your head around first will help alleviate that. Sorta like a ballerina doing a pirouette. Head then body, head then body. Sounds corny, but it works.
Gemini said:
That's pretty common, TW. Focus on getting your head around first will help alleviate that. Sorta like a ballerina doing a pirouette. Head then body, head then body. Sounds corny, but it works.

You know Gemini we teach about the same way, I have said that exact saying probaly a thousands times.
I have always thought that a 360 kick would be if I stand right side forward then 360 I should kick with my right lead leg, landing right side forward. A 540 was done similar just using the rear leg to kick with. I have done both versions of what i call a 360 with inward crescents and roundhouse kicks. I was just teaching a younger kenpo student some of these last monday evening. He enjoyed them but needs work obviously. Let me know if we're talking the same thing here.

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