crescent jump spinning crescent kicks

Jonathan Randall said:
Are you being facetious? Seriously, butterfly style kicks are darn near suicidal to throw on the street, IMO. I'm afraid I'd really, really have to disagree with you here. When I was younger and less experienced, I sparred outside of class with a friend from my boxing class and tried to show-off my new supper, duper spinning jump kicks. He'd just step off the line, wait for me to land, than nail me with a punch. For self-defence, imagine the difficulties and dangers of these type of techniques in a wet parking lot while wearing tight pants and getting over the flu.

You don't use them in a straight square-off. What you should be doing is attacking with the non-kicking leg and then transitioning into the crescent. The technique should follow through with little snap. Done correctly, this leads to an unbalanced opponent and sets you up for a leg scissors. At no point do you give your back, but you must follow through all the way.

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