Create your own form

I am really confused by what you mean here. The post you quoted said throwing forms exist. Then you go on in your post to show videos of throwing forms that already exist. This seems really out of place to me.
As far as I know, Chinese MA doesn't have any throwing form. Those 2 throwing forms clips that I put up, one was created by my senior SC brother David C. K. Lin. The other one was created by myself.
You make it sound like nobody has ever thought to use that combination before and therefore you need to record it to make it known that you thought of it first. Are you also going to name the combination after yourself?
If you can put up a clip from any MA style that contain that combo, I will be greatly appreciated.
As far as I know, Chinese MA doesn't have any throwing form. Those 2 throwing forms clips that I put up, one was created by my senior SC brother David C. K. Lin. The other one was created by myself.

On the one hand, just because there's no Chinese throwing form doesn't mean there's no throwing forms on Earth.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure some of the moves I've seen in some of the Chinese forms are throwing moves. I just can't be sure because I don't take those styles, but I could swear that some of the Kung Fu forms I've seen posted online contain throwing motions we use in our Taekwondo and Hapkido self defense.
I believe the karateka who tell me that these moves are hidden in the form. My complaint is that they have become too well hidden - the form as I have typically seen it performed by modern practitioners will teach the wrong body dynamics for the actual grappling techniques. In that case, I don't see the point of having them in there at all.

On the one hand, just because there's no Chinese throwing form doesn't mean there's no throwing forms on Earth.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure some of the moves I've seen in some of the Chinese forms are throwing moves. I just can't be sure because I don't take those styles, but I could swear that some of the Kung Fu forms I've seen posted online contain throwing motions we use in our Taekwondo and Hapkido self defense.

The same issue also exist in CMA as well. Many people said that there are a lot of throwing "hidden" in the long fist system.

Even if the long fist system is my primary MA system, I can only find the following throws "hidden" in the long fist system:

- foot sweep (in Mai Fu 1st road),
- shoulder strike (in Lien Bu Chuan),
- diagonal cut (in Tan Tui #4),
- leg spring (in Shao Hu Yen).

I cannot find leg block, leg lift, leg twist, hip throw, shoulder throw, firemen's carry, ...
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If you can put up a clip from any MA style that contain that combo, I will be greatly appreciated.

Just because there hasn't been a clip made containing the combo doesn't mean it hasn't been done. Sure I don't have proof but I'd say that it's a pretty good guess that someone has thought to use that combo before, or at least parts of it.

On the one hand, just because there's no Chinese throwing form doesn't mean there's no throwing forms on Earth.

On the other hand, I'm pretty sure some of the moves I've seen in some of the Chinese forms are throwing moves. I just can't be sure because I don't take those styles, but I could swear that some of the Kung Fu forms I've seen posted online contain throwing motions we use in our Taekwondo and Hapkido self defense.

Quite a lot of the techniques in traditional Chinese forms are "hidden" moves, which are techniques that look like nothing practical (i.e. flowery filler) but are in fact moves with a purpose. When I was studying Bai He Quan I didn't think we had any kind of arm-locking techniques in our system, but then my instructor showed us that there is in fact an arm-lock in the very first form we learn. It's just done in such a way in the form that it doesn't look like a proper move until applied to an opponent.
When I

- was young, I trained the forms that my teachers taught me.
- get older, I only train the form/drills that I have created myself.

Today, I like to find out what moves/strategies/principles that I like to use in sparring/wrestling. I try to make sure that I don't forget those information.
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