Crab Kung Fu

Look at that, I paid six million for my degree in 'bionic fu' but for only TWO million you can get crabs in many forms.


I always thought that it was crabish to walk in the bridge or on all fours with the hands dropping backwards
Basically, to explain, you are sitting on the floor leaning back and then you raise your pelvis so you are no longer on your butt, feet are planted flat on the floor or on toes and arms are holding up the upper body.. If one walks in this position, or in the bridge-which is even more difficult, it seems similar to a crab- kindof like breakdancing. or in the anime samurai champloo there is the character mugen that fights in such a way-being from okinawa the favorite food of mugen is crab. hmmm...may be a connection there.

in shaolin i saw this exercise called the 'panther walk' where one walks in the pushup position. It looks like it's really good for strength. I'm doing many pushups everyday now sometimes only 20 a day, just the other day though i did 108 and after that again 70. I'm seeing that pushups strengthen not only the arms and chest but all sorts of parts of the back and waist. I'm thinking the crab style trains flexibilty and agility. It's a fairly natural position.

I don't think you've read this thread.
Anyone know anything about it really? I've done some searching online, and I know it's a dead art now, but does anyone know anything really in depth about it? It's always interested me.
Hi, I know it’s an old thread but I came across a teacher of this style: Andre Kole. He learned it from Houdini directly. It is the internal art but similar to zen meditation and qigong. Fastest chi building system I have ever learned. Also requires waterboxing training. But any external system can help. I teach it as a fighting art in Phoenix.

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