Court Declines to Review Abortion Law

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I didn't ask whether an underage girl should have to get parental consent before getting a tattoo, I asked whether parents of an underage girl should be able to force the girl to get a tattoo.

What I'm trying to get at is that, in both situations, the parents are imposing on the daughter in something that should be hers to decide, only in the instance of forcing a pregnancy via not allowing an abortion, the infringment is a lot more drastic.

I think there is a bif difference. It's not a case of the parents forcing the child to do something; it's a case of 'forcing', if you wish, the child to live through the consequences of something she has already done.

Unfortunately, life does not have a rewind button and you don't get extra lives by popping a few more quarters in; welcome to adulthood
Let's give kids an incentative to have unprotected sex. They'll have no worries, if they get knocked-up they can get an abortion without getting in trouble from their parents.

The parents should be notified if their 12 or 13 year old girl walks into a clinic for an abortion. I don't think they should have the power to stop them, but should have the right to know what's going on in their under-age child's life, especially something as serious as this.

Maybe notify the parents after the procedure is done so they can still choose for themselves.
What it really amounts to is another way the government is driving a wedge to divide the family unit. Go to the State rather than Mom or Dad. It starts with brainwashing at public schools. Don't like your parents? Report them and then divorce them. Once you remove the idea of family the kiddies have no one to turn to but the virul social programs ready spread through this country like a weed. Which will in turn need your tax money.

MisterMike said:
What it really amounts to is another way the government is driving a wedge to divide the family unit. Go to the State rather than Mom or Dad. It starts with brainwashing at public schools. Don't like your parents? Report them and then divorce them. Once you remove the idea of family the kiddies have no one to turn to but the virul social programs ready spread through this country like a weed. Which will in turn need your tax money.

This sounds pretty paranoidally Thatcherian to me.

ANY young woman I know who was pregnant - happily or not - would go to her parents. I am lucky enough to know a lot of people who come from good homes.

NOT ALL PARENTS WILL REACT KINDLY to news like this. Some will (and have) thrown their daughters out into the street. Driving a wedge into the family? What if it's a horrible or even abusive family to begin with? Then what does the young girl do?

For the record, folks - the vast majority of women out there (I'm sure there are exceptions to every rule) do NOT *want* to have an abortion. They are usually not considered lightly. Setting up examples of cavalier kids who will have an abortion lightly is a bit much.

Any girl or young woman I have known who has gotten pregnant unexpectely - or as the result of violence (rape) - has been horrified, and completely distraught. I would try to trust the individual woman to figure out what she needs to do in her situation.
Melissa426 said:
Why is abortion any different than any other medical/surgical procedure?

For instance, a D & C.
If a 16 y.o. was experiencing a miscarriage, a doctor might decide to do a D & C to remove the pregnancy tissue. BUt the doctor would have to have parental consent.

That same 16 y.o. has a viable pregnancy, wants a surgical termination, the Dr. does a D & C. Same exact procedure, same risks, same potential complications. But this time, no parental consent required. Why?

If the 2nd girl doesn't feel she can tell her parents, for whatever reason, what is she gonna do if after the procedure if she should have problems, eg. bleeding, infection, etc. Stay at home, tell no one, and die? If she drives herself to a local ER, first thing they do is get financial info. If she is on her parents' insurance, they will find out what her diagnosis is when the insurance claim is submitted.

I agree with those who posted above and hope that all young women could discuss this with a parent or guardian but I realize it's not always felt to be an acceptable option.

I am not asking this from a pro-choice/pro-life stance, but from a medical stance.

Probably one of the most logical statements on the issue here. Which of course nobody has an answer too.
So what makes this issue any different in terms of parental responsibility for minor children? Its political issues?
I think it's the fear of what will happen to the child - possible retribution from an enraged/heartbroken parent, possibly. Deciding to terminate a pregnancy - or admitting to a parent that you are, in the first place, pregnant - may result in exceptionally bad things for the child (young woman). A different case than a young woman/child who does, presumably, have a good relationship with her parents, and then has a pregnancy complication.

I like the talking point, I think it brings to the fore the situational differences in different people's lives.
One of the only issues Im aware of where we alter normal legal process for fear of what MAY happen. The parents of kids Ive arrested for shoplifting, drugs etc. are heartbroken/enraged too. I still have to notify them.
They couldnt operate on my child without my consent (legally). But they can perform this medical procedure without it. My example was more an illustration of what I see as an error in thinking regarding the whole "we cant tell the parents because they MAY do something out of anger". The same risk occurs in my example.
Any why 17? Whay not try to be consistant and make one age (18? 21?) the universal age? Its confounding trying to figure out what age a person has to be to do what in this country.....
I suspect that what annoys me is that this has very little to do with protecting kids, or reinforcing families.

It has to do with whittling away at abortion rights, and it has to do with keeping girls and women under control.

After all, nobody's proposing a law that would require BOYS to notify their parents about sex, about purchasing condoms, about abortion--just (surprise, surprise, surprise) girls. Nobdy's proposing to go after the guys over 18 who are apparently getting the majority of these underage girls pregnant.

But most of the people pushing these "laws," are also trying to censor sex ed classes, cut Planned Parenthood, chop education's the Big Crackdown.

I also quite liked the cracks and jokes about incest, and about molestation by family members. With something on the order of five million plus abused kids in this country, nothing could be funnier.
Boys dont have to go through a medical procedure (all of which have risk) without notifying their parents who would have to foot the bill for any emergency medical costs that could arise....
Oh. So it isn't a moral question after all, but a financial one--you're not interested in protecting The Family, but their pocketbook.

OK, fair enough. It's what one expects of capitalism, in which morality becomes a matter of affordability.
I see. I wrote that parents should work to understand what their kids were into as much as humanly possible; you reply that it's a matter of money.

So I respond that it's a matter of money; you tell us that no, it's a matter of parents taking responsibility.

Was it, "North Dallas Forty," in which the Tooz says, "Whenever we say it's a game, you say it's a business, and whenever we say it's a business, you say it's a game?"
Its about responsibility..for welfare, for financial responsibility, for legal liability. This appears to be one of those rare areas where you get to pick and choose. Of course since I dont agree 100% with every issue associated with abortion just means Im a right wing extremist (or Capitolist Pig).

At least thats what Rush and Savage say.

Thought Id beat you to it there.:shrug:

So why do doctors have to get parental authorization for all other medical procedures then? I must have missed your reply.
Name one thing that a man can do that is considered to be something their bodies were designed for that will forever change their health, their bone structure, their immune system, their central nervous system, their livelihood, their entire life as PERMANENTLY as this change affects ALL females who become pregnant.

I'm sorry, but I am sick and tired of hearing men hash over the woman's right to a safe abortion. If they want to legislate a uterus,then perhaps they should get one.
shesulsa said:
Name one thing that a man can do that is considered to be something their bodies were designed for that will forever change their health, their bone structure, their immune system, their central nervous system, their livelihood, their entire life as PERMANENTLY as this change affects ALL females who become pregnant.

I'm sorry, but I am sick and tired of hearing men hash over the woman's right to a safe abortion. If they want to legislate a uterus,then perhaps they should get one.

Last I knew my wife was a woman.... ;)

Maybe only Mom should get notified then.

Seriously though, no disrespect intended Geo. but IMO (purely IMO) if all parties were concenting then I dont believe facing the consequences is necessarily a bad thing. Thats what happens when you have sex. Should abortion be outlawed? Absolutely not. Im just not a 100%'er. Yes Im a man but I do have the right to an opinion. I havent "forced" that opinion on anybody in any way so I dont feel bad about it.
shesulsa said:
Name one thing that a man can do that is considered to be something their bodies were designed for that will forever change their health, their bone structure, their immune system, their central nervous system, their livelihood, their entire life as PERMANENTLY as this change affects ALL females who become pregnant.
I agree. but do you think a 13, 14, or even 15 y.o. girl has the maturity to make a decision about something that will impact her life to such a degree? Do you think they even understand how their life will be affected, either by carrying the baby or aborting it?

IMO, most of them have very little concept of what it means. but not all. I have known some fairly mature 15 y.o. who were capable of comprehending the results of their decision. But most kids that age live in the "here and now." Long term future consequences don't play into their decision making skills.

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