I'm wit' Don on this one. Gimme the class, pay me decently, educate me adequately, make sure I'm not a lunatic, and stay the hell out of my way.
It would also help, of course, if the students were a) fed when they got to school and the night before, b) unworried about their kids, c) free of fear about getting beat up on the way home or AT home, d) able to have quiet time to study, e) able to have the books to study with, f) able to live somewhere halfway decent, g) able to learn in a society that did not reward obviously-ignorant morons like Dan Quayle, John Rocker, and Britney Spears so highly, h) able to learn in a society that did not feature quite so much hypocrisy by the "elders," (Wm Bennett comes immediately to mind, as do Jesse Jackson and Pat Robertson) who pontificate at them.
Much of our present problem with education comes from the fact that over the last twenty years or so, we've actually had to start living up to the commitment to educate EVERYBODY, and many Americans simply don't want to pay for it.
Here's a comment you'll really hate: regardless of his buffoonery as President, Bill Clinton is a beautiful example of everything that's right about the American educational system. The fact that we are making it harder and harder for such people is a sign of exactly what's wrong.
Yeah, I'm saying throw money at the problem. Why not? We throw money at our movies, our pets, our cosmetics, our quack nostrums, our stupid B-2 bombers, our political parties, our tax breaks for the wealthy, our stock market, our Enrons...
Of course, once I'm king, there will also be a bump in unemployment as about 10-20% of teachers at all levels, and about 30-40% of administrators in schools, have to go scrabbling for new jobs. Also unemployed will be the sorts of morons who lobby to get tests changed because the tests included some essay on vegetarianism, and the history books changed because they offhandedly note that homosexuals were put into camps by the Nazis, and the lit books changed because, "Huckleberry Finn," tells the truth.
There will also be a lot of yelling when we start teaching real history and real biology again--and students will despair, because they will all have to do the frickin' work in order to pass.
Once I'm king, that is. Till then, I expect more nonsense.