Hapkido Kebonsu

Paul B

3rd Black Belt
MTS Alumni
What techniques make up your Kebonsu?

I've seen as many as 23 techniques used..and as few as 8..so how does your Kebonsu add up?

In our Dojang..Kebonsu is as follows from an attacking grab to our receiver's right hand. Sohn Mok Su and Ahn Sohn Mok Su are covered in 7th Gup..with some more technique added for flavor.

1. Pressing Arm Bar (with knife hand)
2. Outside Turning Leaves (J. Kote Gaeshi)
3. Inverted(vertical) wristlock
4. Inside technique
5. 4-corner throw
6. Gooseneck
7. Armbar with shoulder
8. Hammerlock
9. Figure "4" Lock
10. Wrist/Elbow Throw
11.Center Lock
12. Head Twist Takedown
13. Thumb Press takedown
14. Leg Sweep Takedown
15. Pressing Shoulder Lock
16. Figure "10" Lock

Now keep in mind that these techniques are for yellow belt or 8th Gup. I'm sure you're asking where the hip throw and shoulder throws are..but we feel that at that point the student's Nauk Bup isn't capable of handling those throws. All of these techniques can be taken with a simple "sit-down" rear fall or by kneeling forward into a prone position. Thoughts?

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