That's actually what I'm targeting with that site, I want it to supplement along with physical training. I think I wrote it up in the wrong way, but your right, that's what I'm looking for.
From what I've read of the Online site, that's what they do. And I think that is what your looking to work on as well. But I think the online component will have a stigma along with it as well, and is not a trusted source, especially for something that is rather physical. What caught my attention for the Wing Chun Online format was the interaction, and has me curious to how it work.
Next thing would be using an xBox Kinect and virtual chi sao, some what geeky.
Yeh forsure I hear that. Yeah will definitely be the next stage where you just use your Xbox or PS and it takes you through the motons. Okay Jez well thanks for the feed back and hope the Wing Chun Online helps you out!