Cop poses as girl, 13, snags mayor online...

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
DIAMOND, Missouri (AP) -- No one will ever confuse Jim Murray with a teenager. His tall frame, broad shoulders and clipped gray hair give him away for the grandfather he is.

But the 69-year-old retired police chief of this small Missouri town cuts a credible figure as a 13-year-old girl surfing the Web, looking for friends. He knows all the instant-messaging shorthand, the emoticons.

Murray's retirement job from a rural home office has netted 20 arrests since he started in 2002.

His latest catch was the biggest: four felony enticement charges against a town mayor, who after his arrest called Murray up and begged him to make the case go away
Full story here
All honor to this man.... :asian:
awesome!!! Everytime one of these sick bastards gets what they deserve I feel like throwing a party.

Go get em Mr Mayor...
why the sneaky devil! :) nice one! good catch!

as for the pedo, it's *******s like that that make the world into a scary and false place. it's people like that that take out all their guilt on petty criminals and at the same time build themselves up to be dignified and influential people- in the very society they prey on.

Thank GOD for people like him. I have young teen girls, and have tried to warn them about the predators out there, but its just plain scary. To think some twisted soul could coerce my little girl into meeting them is heart sickening. I thank GOD for HIS Word that tells me in CHRIST not be be anxious for anything. Pray for them, teach them, protect them as best we can. Again I say a big thank you to that gentleman, and all who have joined the fight like him. In the name of The LORD Jesus, may GOD bless all of you, and yours in all...

There is a Broward County Deputy that was doing the same thing...I cannot imagine what goes through these twisted goons mind when instead of meeting a little 13 yr old girl named " Sugar Shorts" he meets a 6'12 250lb Dep Sheriff...
There is a Broward County Deputy that was doing the same thing...I cannot imagine what goes through these twisted goons mind when instead of meeting a little 13 yr old girl named " Sugar Shorts" he meets a 6'12 250lb Dep Sheriff...
Can't say about the mind, but I think I can guess what they do in their pants when caught.
Makes room for that "special" treatment they get when they get sent to the poakie.
Can't say about the mind, but I think I can guess what they do in their pants when caught.
Makes room for that "special" treatment they get when they get sent to the poakie.

Bravo, well said Bob...A new bride for Bubba fer sure...
Kudos to Mr Murray. He is taking out those sad people who would suck all the joy and wonder out of the world for their own perverted enjoyment.
A round of applause for the guy.

We had someone in Belgium doing the same thing, until he was caught molesting a kid himself...
Your child being abducted is the worst nightmare for any parent. My brother is a US Marshall and he worries very much about his daughter. He teaches her about the world he works in and has taken her to BJJ classes.

Sanchin Ryu provides an invaluable service in this regard. We have a thing called "Project Safe Child" where we teach children about who a stranger is or isn't, when to accept rides from grown ups and what do do if someone tries to abduct you. I think this is the one thing my father loves about Sanchin Ryu the best. He always, ALWAYS teaches this and it has been proven to work.

People with these addictions do need help, problem is a lot of them are beyond it. Molesting a child is the worst thing a person can do. It's unforgivable. It destroys people's lives. I have people close to me who have suffered from it and it has really hurt them in life.
Sanchin Ryu provides an invaluable service in this regard. We have a thing called "Project Safe Child" where we teach children about who a stranger is or isn't, when to accept rides from grown ups and what do do if someone tries to abduct you. I think this is the one thing my father loves about Sanchin Ryu the best. He always, ALWAYS teaches this and it has been proven to work.


The problem here is that much of the abuse that goes on is not actually done by strangers, often it's a family member or friend, a trusted sports coach, youth worker or someone who has groomed the child online or in person. Abduction is much rare than many think but abuse by someone known to the child is sadly quite common.
Preventing child sexual abuse

Preventing child sexual abuse
The problem here is that much of the abuse that goes on is not actually done by strangers, often it's a family member or friend, a trusted sports coach, youth worker or someone who has groomed the child online or in person. Abduction is much rare than many think but abuse by someone known to the child is sadly quite common.
Preventing child sexual abuse

Preventing child sexual abuse

Tez, you are so right. I think it's imperative that parents teach their kids about good touch and bad touch.
Tez, you are so right. I think it's imperative that parents teach their kids about good touch and bad touch.

We've got a police enquiry going on here that started with one police force and is now being conducted by 23, of football coaches who have abused children and young people. The actual abuse was a longish time ago but it's only now that the victims feel they can talk about it, safeguards put in place have stopped a lot of abuse but when you look at the way known paedophiles were just allowed access to young people you want to scream at those who didn't bother doing any checks as are done now.
Football child sex abuse claims: What has happened so far?