Oaktree, thanks so much for all of your reply. I do not want to name the website. There were good things on the site, too. If it were obviously a charlatan's site it would be different. But in this kind of thing it isn't that easy for me to know motivations, and I don't want to put someone up for criticism loosely.
You are welcome that is what the site is designed for well I think thats why Mr.Hubbard designed it for.
Fair enough about mentioning the site a caveat emptor indeed.
IF you get the information you want. "you ask for what you want, and you pay for what you get." from Maya Angelou.
Interesting that Maya Angelou wrote a story about boxing.
It is a very good read and the use of metaphors by her really are excellent in the writing. The story is called
Champions of the world.
Hadn't thought of that. Being small, I'd be running. Assume even if he/she could id me, the fact I ran would be in my favor to some extent. But what if you do injure someone while returning a punch or kick?
In the violent encounters I have been and seen they were 1.very fast 2.People just watched 3. No cops came 4. usually either someone was on the floor or someone ran away. If cops were called victim and attacker were either A.both gone or B.one or the other was gone depending how hurt.
If the police asked questions usually people would say they saw nothing or give a vague contradicting story.
As you saw in Frank Raud clip she attacked fast and ran. If you want to hold him down in a restraint and call the cops and press charges and go thru the court system that is up to you.
Who says you even have to punch or kick him:
Mr.John Painter of the Jiulong Baguazhang
Marjan Trajkovski performing Aikido(with some club music oh well..)
It could look like you were excessive, tho you were just defending. These are things tying me in knots since seeing that website
I can not comment to much law officers who have experience here can say what they think when they respond to a call and see it.
I would think you would be questioned to determine what is going on.
But again we are talking about defending your life here and you have the right to do this if you feel your life is threaten.
had thought proving self defense had to do with someone else starting the fight, witnesses,motivations, ect. I didn't think one had to worry over every aspect of their physica returns, as the site I spoke of seems to say.
In most cases self defense has to be someone else starting the fight. Meaning someone else threw the first strike at you or you felt your life was in danger and you had to strike first.
The question begins was this force necessary?
Was this force reasonable and justified?
Was the force being uses excessive?
If you are being attacked and the attacker throws a punch
and you block the punch and strike him in the face and kick his leg out making him fall. The force was necessary,reasonable amount of force and justified. The force is not excessive.
If you are being attacked and the attacker throws a punch
and you block the punch strike him in the face then in the throat,then 3 knees to the groin,followed by a shoulder throw then break his arm and then each finger and keep hitting him to a bloody pulp well that may be considered : unnecessary force, unreasonable and excessive.
You are only suppose to use the amount of force to the threat.
If some guy calls you a name and says how he will beat you up but is just standing there and not coming at you and you empty your whole ammo into him,reload and empty again into his dead body then no it is not justifed,reasonable and is excessive hell maybe it is manslaughter.
On the same token I have heard that if a 350 lb linebacker type guy attacks a frail old lady then her using a gun is reasonable,justified
but if a man of equal weight and size used the weapon then it is not considered reasonable,justified on an unarmed person. I am not sure if this is true I never asked a lawyer about it.
That is why talking to a lawyer is so important and this is very true when thinking of purchasing a weapon.