Something else that needs repeating.
Walmart, in fact no employer is responsible for paying a so called 'living wage'. That's just BS. An employers job is to make maximum profit for the company. A corporation is responsible for making maximum return for the stock holders. Pushing a mandate through that only certain companies pay more than others because some clueless politician who is ignorant of business or a particular business's PnL is, well, ********.
Sure, Walmart would pay cashiers $1 an hour if they could. There's nothing wrong with that.
There's also nothing wrong with people saying "No, I want more than that."
There was a Burger King near me that over -10- years ago was paying $8.75/hr. They were always hiring, always short handed, and had a hell of a time finding people to work that location. (Min wage was $4.25/hr at the time).
I interviewed last year for a sales rep job. It paid $14/hr. I was the only one of 4 people to show up for the 1st day. Spent the last year trying to get more people to do the job, and couldn't even get people to the interview stage.
I get it, people can't live on min-wage. But I run several businesses (MT is 1, my photography, web design and now again hosting are 3 others), and still picked up a part time job to help make ends meet. As an employee, sure I'd love some government asshat to make my boss pay me more. As the guy on the other end who might endup having to pay someone more than a job is worth though, I want the government to gtfo of business all together.
Right now for example, McDonalds makes a measly 6c profit on it's Dollar Menu items. That's 95 burgers per hour per employee on shift at $5.75/hr pay.
BurgerKing says they -lose- 10-15c per double cheeseburger on their $1 menu.
If you force businesses to raise their pay, they -must- raise prices, decrease staff, or decrease offerings to remain profitable.
Going back to Walmart, does that mandate only apply to the stores in the effected region? What about the companies delivery people?
document [PDF], first obtained by the
Huffington Post, shows that Walmart workers can earn a base pay as low as $8.00, and earn wage increases in increments as low as 20 or 40 cents. ”As a result, a ‘solid performer’ who starts at Walmart as a cart pusher making $8 an hour and receives one promotion, about the average rate, can expect to make $10.60 after working at the company for 6 years,”
This goes back to my earlier argument.
If -I- busted my *** for 6 years to work my way up the chain, showed up when sick, put family aside for the job, came in or stayed late when asked, etc., and some newb started making the same as me, I'd be pissed. Your 'solid performer' would be gone as I'd feel my past efforts were a waste.
“I struggle to support my family on $14,000 a year,” said Sara Gilbert, a customer service manager at the company for three years. “My children are in state housing and we get subsidized housing and food stamps.”
Tough ****. I wish someone else paid for my food, housing and utilities for me. What Sara's really saying here is "Walmart pays me $14,000 per year, and the tax payers pay me $14,300, for a real annual income of $28,300." ($6k/yr rent, $900/yr gas, $900/yr electric, $6,500/yr food)
$30,000 per year income breaks down to $577 / week which is $14.43/hr. Allow $6k in taxes (20% approximation of fed, state, fica, etc) leaves $24,000.
Ms. Gilbert most likely pays only FICA as at $14k, with kids she probably pays nothing in income tax, and in fact probably gets a nice kickback in credits.
But incase she really does want to get ahead and stop being a jackass of boss holder:
100 Businesses you can start right now
(Oh yeah, in case anyone needs a
website, hi. Shameless plug.