Well boxing against boxing and judo against judo seems to be entertaining enough. I think the only way a wc guy is gonna be able to overcome getting taken down is if he has superior mobility and striking to a grappler, not anti grappling which is pretty much just very basic grappling. It might work against an inferior or inexperienced grappler but at the competitive level it's almost certain that if a grappler wants to he can close distance as get the takedown, that's why we have yet to see a pure striker with little to no grappling succeed in recent MMA. Just the opposite would be true for a kicker, the wc guy would have to be able to stay inside kicking range or risk getting his legs demolished. Either way the wc guy training in a specific wc rule set will refine his approach. Wc is not equipped to handle experienced grapplers or kickers like we see in Muay thai, yet. You can speculate about in the street I'm not gonna go there, but in the ring wc is surely not able to stand alone. Sorry to rain on your parade, people thought the same about boxing prior to MMA, but they had to grow up and realize there art was not in fact perfect. Boxing is still a great art and still is popular, wc has the potential to be. But you can't obviously win in MMA with wc alone. Imo wc needs to develop its strengths and forget about its weaknesses, it's never gonna be able to stop a judoka or grappler alone, without a competitive culture of fighters WC guys are gonna have a hard time with kickboxers.I see your point. I just think its watering down the art to deliberately limit the need for kicking and throwing defense. Those are part of "good" WC. Accounting for differing skill levels, if I can't use WC princples and tools to defend against a kicker or a judoka trying to set up a throw because WC in fact lacks those tools, then I took up the wrong art. If I have to work HARDER to defend certain things because WC doesn't focus on it as much, that I am ok with (if that distinction makes sense and might be what you were getting at to some degree).
Such open competition would be a real shot in the arm for some WC guys training though. I don't think watching WC against WC would be very exciting.