Comfort Zone!

Brian R. VanCise

MT Moderator
Staff member
So how many of you like to be out of your comfort zone regarding training in the martial arts. Myself I like to constantly be challenged and overcoming obstacles in my training. Often I find the best way to do so is to find something that I need to work on and then look and find the best teacher/coach I possibly can to push me to exceed.

So what do you do to ensure that you do not get to comfortable?
So how many of you like to be out of your comfort zone regarding training in the martial arts. Myself I like to constantly be challenged and overcoming obstacles in my training. Often I find the best way to do so is to find something that I need to work on and then look and find the best teacher/coach I possibly can to push me to exceed.

So what do you do to ensure that you do not get to comfortable?

I try to workout with someone WAY better than me...
I love working out with other disciplines. I have a great study group of 5-7 guys, all from different training backgrounds.
The only comfort zone I have so far is when sparring. I liek to have a left lead cause that is my strong side, but my right side feels way to weak so Ive staying with a right lead for a while and while Ive take a lot more hits Im getting better.

about any studying is ok with me. If I am not familar with the system I enjoy learning .
I don't have a comfort zone. The biggest thing I need to work on is my stamina, so I run...I hate running. I'm lazy, but I do martial arts and I tend to burn myself out, but I wouldn't consider that a comfort zone. I also meet with a group to do a little MMA twice a month even though I've had no formal training in grappling. I always lose when they start to grapple, but that allows me to learn through experience. We also hold a little workshop on the side too.
I think if you always push yourself that little bit harder each session, and make continuous improvement, then you always have to focus and be a little bit outside of your comfort zone. I do also spar with some boxing guys sometimes, just using hands (probably my weakest weapon), which I consider training outside my comfort zone. So tempting to throw a teep to keep them back! :)

Every Friday though, I have a big session with my best mate. And I dare say that the intensity of the session is double that of class. And we train real hard in class. I swear to god I don't know how we do the Friday session sometimes, but we just train well and push each other to new limits all the time. But it's so so worth it!!!
I don't mind the work but I hate the sweat. The more I sweat, the more I have to work to break a sweat. I'm naturally lazy so I try not to let myself get too comfortable.
Serious? Man I love the sweat, and the burn on my legs from my percutane cream. A couple of weeks ago, there were 2 guys in class, trained together and really pushed each other. After the class, we were sitting down having a talk with our Kru, and there was all this steam coming off their shoulders and back! It was a chilly sort of night, but the amount of steam coming off their bodies!

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