Earl Weiss
Senior Master
Coincidence or???????
In the January 2000 issue of Taekwon-Do Times an article I submitted in 1998 was published entitled
"Nam Tae Hi Chung Do KwanÂ’s Quiet Man" A copy is on my website.
This article was cited by author Alex Gillis in a Killing art in both the footnotes and bibliography. Various other articles have cited it as well.
In issue #15 (May 2010)of Totally Tae Kwon Do, starting at page 9 is an article "Nam, Tae Hi the silent founder of Tae Kwon Do".
To download the issue follow this link:
If you have the time please review the articles and provide your opinion as to whether similarities are coincidence or....?
In the January 2000 issue of Taekwon-Do Times an article I submitted in 1998 was published entitled
"Nam Tae Hi Chung Do KwanÂ’s Quiet Man" A copy is on my website.
This article was cited by author Alex Gillis in a Killing art in both the footnotes and bibliography. Various other articles have cited it as well.
In issue #15 (May 2010)of Totally Tae Kwon Do, starting at page 9 is an article "Nam, Tae Hi the silent founder of Tae Kwon Do".
To download the issue follow this link:
If you have the time please review the articles and provide your opinion as to whether similarities are coincidence or....?