Brother John said:OK Chad. I'd hate to not follow my own advice. But please tell me, what does it mean to "talk to some smack"?
Here's how I feel man.
Someone asks something, answer it. Don't condem them for feeling/thinking something other than what you believe. If he has a differing view...talk it out. Maybe he has a good point or maybe you could share your good point and both can grow. This cutting down crap cheapens any effort to share or ask others what they think. People didn't try to have a dialogue with him about these sets and what they do or don't do (until later, like Mr. Mike's insightful reply).
But hey...Chad.... "the beav"....
Thanks for making my point about the kind of rude/mean 7th grade banter that cheapens and corrodes these forums...like the post just previous to this one.
Your Bro.
Learn to read Beav. I put my point of view up first and foremost. I am most critical of people like you who say nothing about AK. And I mean nothing. You John make your own point. There is no information in any of your posts. Not one thing in about cooridination set in your post. Nothing. As is the same with all of your posts. You just like to jump on the bandwagon with some other rah rah types when the flaming begins. You determine my posts are negative yet I see nothing in your current post as positive. You cannot even follow your own line of reasoning. Nothing about kenpo as usual. C'mon John, be honest you like the drama otherwise you would not have butted into someone elses conversation to voice an opinion on nothing but the 7th grade semantics you so deplore...
Like I said before dude- you are boring and bring no information to the table. Put up or shut up. I challenge you to acutually say something about coordination set instead of moaning about how hurt your feelings are

Your Bro