Club, Knife and Gun Defenses.....

By the by ... do any of you know how hard it is to get a one-punch knockout? Lots of luck It is extremely hard, even when trained specifically for this.

I agree, especially if the fight is already on, but I'm not talking about blocking and returning fire. A pre emptive strike during a moment of diffusion will generally result in a KO. If not it's usually enough to allow you time to run.
Originally posted by PAUL
So, stick to what you do (whatever that is, froms, sparring, empty hands, or whatever), and work on getting extremely proficient at that.

BUT, it is good, every now and again, to do scenario training while using more realistic tools. Bats, ax-handles, bottles, rocks, belts, etc. You'll be suprised at your ability (as my students are) to translate what you already know (whether its Kenpo, FMA, or whatever) to the situation. These excersises are more designed to get your mind accustomed to "translating" what you know under pressure for self defense, rather then trying to become accustomed to every circumstance.

Excellent! I have to agree totally with you... People need to realize that their martial arts is just a tool--a skill, it's the people who should be able to adapt to whatever is available using what they know (or as you put it, 'translating" their abilities).

- Ceicei
Originally posted by Michael Billings
My point is, that in any self-defense situation, especially against a weapon, don't think you are going to kick them in the groin and end it, or "Knock him out with one punch". I think it is very unsafe even to have this mindset. Every strike should potentially hit hard enough to be a KO, no matter where it lands, (not that they will go out if you hit them in the thigh as hard as you can). It is a matter of INTENT, TRAINING, and ATTITUDE.

Of course. We shouldn't expect just one short technique to "do it all." We learn them in segments, but should be able to string the techs on or modify to fit the situation.

Bottom line is, if escape is not immediately possible, fight until we can escape or render the assailant incapable of continuing the attack.

- Ceicei
Originally posted by Michael Billings
I will bring in some plastic coke bottles to simulate the real thing. I like the idea. Careful with the bo v. knife ... and no, you cannot be next to my truck!!! It sounds like a Dog Brothers thing, taken back one notch, which I like. A lot of the Inosanto JKD/FMA guys I know, tape their blades, but it is with duct tape or electricians tape, not scotch tape, that can be sliced right through.

Hey, I can relate to this, at least partially :D

When using plastic bottles, we fill them with waters at different levels sometimes, to have them weighted. The momentum is thus amplified and has to be taken into account also. If you don't grab it right, it may end up flying.
And we've also used a newspaper wrap in tape, as a kind of self made staff. This works nicely. And flies easyly when you've had a good workout and have sweaty hands.
The other night we were discussing stick defenses, and one of my brown tips pointed out that in his experience (he's ex military and a trouble maker so has been in a few scraps in his time) pretty much all stick/baseball bat/golf club etc. attacks are two handed, rather than the one handed attacks practised in our system (I personally don't know any two handed stick attack techniques).

He grabs it, and goes 'err, what would you do if I did *THIS*' and swung the bloody thing two handed at me head! I was pretty shocked that he actually went for me with it (randomly attacking your instructor isn't really on IMHO, I'm not Clouseau FFS!) , but instinctively I dropped to one knee and struck at his groin, and had he swung the stick full force (he held it back although it didn't look like that originally, I though he was committed to the strike) it would have passed over my head.

I wasn't too happy with this defence, dropping down to your knees is a poor response I think (although it was my gut one) as it puts you in a really vulnerable and poor position.

What could I have done better? Are single handed stick attacks un-realistic? What would *you* do if someone swung a baseball bat at your head with full force and speed? Is it acceptable to randomly attack your instructor?

Just feeding the discussion with a few yule logs really, not moaning as such...!


Too bad your account is closed Ian.I've faced this attack a few times times.I grew up in the mean streets of EAST SIDE LONG BEACH CA and SOUTHEAST SAN DIEGO and COMPTON CA,but I've trained against this scenario maaaaany times.

I assume that since you dropped to you knee under the attack and popped the groin,the bat moved laterally or diagonally and you moved away or away and in toward your attacker.Your first move--the groin shot--was good.The fact that it was your ONLY move,? Is bad. Under these circumstances (if I can't run like a Olympic track star with a cheetah chasing him),I have struck my opponents groin too,but I followed with a blizzard of strikes,weapons checks,displacements,push offs,wristlocks, knees,5 swords,Attacking and Alternating Mace,elbows (wings),wristlock disarms springing from the Gift series (grab my opponent's wrist and/or bat or whatever while running off the rest of the techniques) and the Talon approaches,and various Salute modifications too.I have used Tripping Arrow in rapid succession merged it with strikes (I'm going to put all these techniques up on my youtube Channel as well),and these have had tremendous success both in practice and on the street.Of course on the street twice it wasn't as sweet and fast,but it was even more successful because my opponents didn't know wth was going on as I kenpo'd them into oblivion.The other 3 times in my life it happened I demolished the guy because I was much better prepared for the onslaught (I was mentally braced for it and expecting it twice).

Hope that's helpful to any of you,and all of you who peruse this thread.

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