Cigarette smoking

They can do what they want, itā€™s a free country.

I broke up with woman once because her cigarette breath was such a turn offā€¦in fact I broke it off a few times šŸ˜‚
That's the point. Rights work both ways. A person's right to smoke doesn't mean I am required to deal with it. I have rights too. You choose to stink, I call you stinky and ridicule you. Right to smoke doesn't mean freedom from consequences.
Smokers also have reduced olfactory sensitivity, so they donā€™t notice that they reek! It makes. ev laugh that they think that sucking a mint masks the odour.šŸ˜…

My ex-girlfriend denies itā€™s her habit that is damaging her lungs and blames moving hazardous chemicals around when she was in the Navy. Last time I spoke to her she said she was going on the lung transplant list. She still smokes.
It gets in your clothes and on everything. Where I work, I can always tell when Old Smoky sneaks off campus for a cancer stick. When he comes back, all he has to do is walk down an aisle NEAR me and I know he's back, without having to see him. Smokers cannot smell that, as I know from personal experience. Everyone else has to deal with it.
When i used my exā€™s toothpaste, it tasted of cigarettes. i couldnā€™t figure out how that happened. Perhaps she touched the end of the tube with her brush which sheā€™d had in her smoky mouth. šŸ¤¢

I think smokers show weakness of character! When they first start itā€™s a truly awful tasteā€¦they hate itā€¦and yet they persevere and have another and another because they think it makes them look ā€˜coolā€™. Theyā€™re worried about their appearance and think smoking makes them look good. They have no confidence in their character and use smoking as their crutch even though they know itā€™ll shorten or kill them and make them stink. Then the addiction kicks inā€¦
When i used my exā€™s toothpaste, it tasted of cigarettes. i couldnā€™t figure out how that happened. Perhaps she touched the end of the tube with her brush which sheā€™d had in her smoky mouth. šŸ¤¢

I think smokers show weakness of character! When they first start itā€™s a truly awful tasteā€¦they hate itā€¦and yet they persevere and have another and another because they think it makes them look ā€˜coolā€™. Theyā€™re worried about their appearance and think smoking makes them look good. They have no confidence in their character and use smoking as their crutch even though they know itā€™ll shorten or kill them and make them stink. Then the addiction kicks inā€¦
I tried cigarettes in middle school. It was not an awful taste. In fact, they tasted quite good. Luckily I didn't get addicted.

Nicotine is a drug that affects mood. I've been more relaxed and have slept better since I started smoking cigars. It's not just about looking good. The flavors are often good. It's more about how it affects me.

At this point, I don't know if I'm addicted or not. I don't think I am (it's possible I am). I know I don't want to quit, and I think I'll feel worse if I quit. But that's because I feel better now, and going back will probably feel less better. Smoking cigars is something I started in my mid 30s. I definitely think kids shouldn't.
At this point, I don't know if I'm addicted or not. I don't think I am (it's possible I am). I know I don't want to quit, and I think I'll feel worse if I quit. But that's because I feel better now, and going back will probably feel less better. Smoking cigars is something I started in my mid 30s. I definitely think kids shouldn't.
ā€œIā€™m fine, Iā€™m not addicted, I could give up at any timeā€¦I just donā€™t want toā€¦ā€ Iā€™ve heard that many, many times! šŸ˜…
ā€œIā€™m fine, Iā€™m not addicted, I could give up at any timeā€¦I just donā€™t want toā€¦ā€ Iā€™ve heard that many, many times! šŸ˜…
I'm a pipe smoker myself (no Diddy), and skribs is right. It has something to do with the fact that cigarette smoke is typically inhaled, while pipe and cigar smoke is typically not. I can probably count the number of bowls I smoke in a year on my fingers and toes.
I started smoking at 14, and smoked about 1/2 a pack a day while I was also on the wrestling team. Probably explains why I didnā€™t excel at wrestling. Haha.

Smoked until I was 28 and quit for good after failing to quit successfully several times.

I canā€™t speak for everyone, but I can say for myself that quitting had to be something I wanted to do for myself. No amount of nagging or external pressure to quit was going to do it until I decided I was going to be a non smoker.
ā€œIā€™m fine, Iā€™m not addicted, I could give up at any timeā€¦I just donā€™t want toā€¦ā€ Iā€™ve heard that many, many times! šŸ˜…
Like I said, I could be wrong.

But if it's raining, I don't smoke, and I don't have any negative side effects. So there is that.
It shows strength of character by continuing to smoke even when being assailed from all sides by people nagging you to quit. Friends, family, the dang TV and radio. Standing up to all that peer pressure takes real strength! I won't say I could quit anytime is an addiction. But I don't want to quit so šŸ˜
Bad habits indeed. Besides, according to my research of "the old masters" smoking, drinking, going to brothels and getting in street fights gives your karate "flavour" and makes it better. Master Wong here I come.
It shows strength of character by continuing to smoke even when being assailed from all sides by people nagging you to quit. Friends, family, the dang TV and radio. Standing up to all that peer pressure takes real strength! I won't say I could quit anytime is an addiction. But I don't want to quit so šŸ˜
Thatā€™s a good point šŸ’ŖšŸ½
Bad habits indeed. Besides, according to my research of "the old masters" smoking, drinking, going to brothels and getting in street fights gives your karate "flavour" and makes it better. Master Wong here I come.
Brothers you say?šŸ¤”
It shows strength of character by continuing to smoke even when being assailed from all sides by people nagging you to quit. Friends, family, the dang TV and radio. Standing up to all that peer pressure takes real strength! I won't say I could quit anytime is an addiction. But I don't want to quit so šŸ˜
Bad habits indeed. Besides, according to my research of "the old masters" smoking, drinking, going to brothels and getting in street fights gives your karate "flavour" and makes it better. Master Wong here I come.
Nobody likes a quitter, after all.
I started smoking at 14, and smoked about 1/2 a pack a day while I was also on the wrestling team. Probably explains why I didnā€™t excel at wrestling. Haha.

Smoked until I was 28 and quit for good after failing to quit successfully several times.

I canā€™t speak for everyone, but I can say for myself that quitting had to be something I wanted to do for myself. No amount of nagging or external pressure to quit was going to do it until I decided I was going to be a non smoker.
I started at 31. Quit at 42. Got up to 2 packs a day. Basically because I wanted to die. I used to 'joke' with people that it was my retirement plan. Now that I'm in treatment for PTSD, I see it for what it was. Just a bizarre form of suicidal ideation. When I quit, I just quit. Took two tries. I'm horrifically sorry for the pain and discomfort I inflicted on others while I was smoking.
I'm specifically referring to the people who know they stink, refuse to do anything about it, and stand on their rights to do as they please. I agree they have those rights. But sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. If they can say how smoking is their absolute right, then I can say they stink.
Fair enough. But propping up bad actions isn't the best way to change them.
I started at 31. Quit at 42. Got up to 2 packs a day. Basically because I wanted to die. I used to 'joke' with people that it was my retirement plan. Now that I'm in treatment for PTSD, I see it for what it was. Just a bizarre form of suicidal ideation. When I quit, I just quit. Took two tries. I'm horrifically sorry for the pain and discomfort I inflicted on others while I was smoking.
Regarding quitting, my experience was similar. Once I decided for myself that I wanted to quit, it wasnā€™t too bad. Just quit.
But the only thing I hated more than a guy who smelt like an ashtray - was a guy who reeked of cologne. Once that cologne smell transfered to my gi, I went and showered and changed. - Then beat the snot out of him. But everyone knew that going in - DO NOT WEAR COLOGNE to the DOJO. Or any bling. Any bling worn with gi was confiscated. If you wore a wedding ring, you taped over it. No exceptions.

I know, couldn't get away with any of that now.
Well, a lot of workout spaces are "scent-free environments" these days, so there's a precedent for booting out the overly smelly.
Regarding quitting, my experience was similar. Once I decided for myself that I wanted to quit, it wasnā€™t too bad. Just quit.
It was difficult for me. But I do not like being told what to do. Not even by myself. My addiction made me quite angry.
But the only thing I hated more than a guy who smelt like an ashtray - was a guy who reeked of cologne. Once that cologne smell transfered to my gi, I went and showered and changed. - Then beat the snot out of him. But everyone knew that going in - DO NOT WEAR COLOGNE to the DOJO. Or any bling. Any bling worn with gi was confiscated. If you wore a wedding ring, you taped over it. No exceptions.
We had a senior nursing officer who worked on nights in the hospital where I once workedā€¦Mr Jugarooā€¦who wore so much aftershave you could tell where heā€™d been in the hospital and which ward phones he used as they reeked of it too. We used to joke that he could be used to revive the comatose patients.
I'm sure students did a lot of things I wouldn't approve of. Just as I did some things my instructors wouldn't approve of. I usually stayed out of their lives unless asked not to by someone of importance. Or if didn't approve of their outside behavior. Then they were entered into a behavioral re-education program.

But the only thing I hated more than a guy who smelt like an ashtray - was a guy who reeked of cologne. Once that cologne smell transfered to my gi, I went and showered and changed. - Then beat the snot out of him. But everyone knew that going in - DO NOT WEAR COLOGNE to the DOJO. Or any bling. Any bling worn with gi was confiscated. If you wore a wedding ring, you taped over it. No exceptions.

I know, couldn't get away with any of that now.
I remember a Real cocky black belt that started class with us in the early '90's. He wore a small hoop in his left ear lobe. A few classes in you could tell he took pleasure in beating the sxxt out of people. The first time I lined up against him I told him I was taking his ear ring. He gave me a look. Took a few tries but I finally got it with a good timed hook kick.
Good times.

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