CIA agent?? Shot in Houston in 2008??

Archangel M

Senior Master
This one slipped by me last year...

Family, friends of man shot by police believed he worked for CIA

A high-speed chase, which at times reached up to 122-miles an hour, began in southwest Harris County and ended in a fatal shooting near the Galleria Tuesday.

It began as a patrol officer was checking up on Roland Carnaby's claim that he worked with the CIA. It ended nearly an hour later when the 52-year-old pulled over, but would not get out of his vehicle.

An officer smashed the passenger window with a nightstick, and that’s when police say Carnaby exited, turned slightly and reached under his seat.

Police said they saw something shiny in his hand and opened fire.



Whats odd is that I cant find any solid resolution regarding this guys status. The CIA (of course) denies he was an employee. But this guy apparently went around TELLING everybody he was a CIA employee which makes me doubt his story. I dug up some articles that said he worked for some private intelligence organization that was government contracted. There are numerous photos of the man with various LE/Intel persons and in locations like the FBI Academy at Quantico, CIA HQ..etc.

Fleeing a car stop while the officer is telling you that a supervisor is responding to verify your credientials (and having numerous weapons in your vehicle) doesnt seem like the actions of a rational person either.

So...real "CIA agent"?

....delusional contractor playing "CIA agent"?

Probably nut job. Langley is in my neck of the woods. We get lots of them out this way... Some are downright scary.

But, as an aside, not every CIA employee is secret! The CIA employs thousands of people, in positions from A to Z. They've got janitors, car mechanics, printers, techs of all sorts, secretaries, HR people, and just about anything else you can think of. And a few things you can't. Agents and even analysts are only a small subset... Lots of people are openly employed there. After all, how secret can a HR recruiter be. "Come work for us. No, I won't tell you who we are; you'll find out if we hire you." Doesn't work to well, huh?
jks makes a good point on not everyone in the CIA being undercover.

But if you look at the CIA employment application, it says that you should not let anyone know that you even applying for a position. It states that it will make people less tempted to use you to gain access to delicate information.

The guy sounds like your every day, run of the mill, whacko with a conspiracy complex.
Seriously Don?
From Vanity Fair:
He had met Plame in February 1997 at a reception at the Washington home of the Turkish ambassador. He says that when his eyes fell on her from across the room he thought he knew her. He realized as he drew near that he did not-and that it was love at first sight. From that moment on, he says, "she did not let anyone into the conversation, and I did not let anyone into the conversation."
At the time, Wilson was based in Stuttgart, serving as the political adviser to George Joulwan, the U.S. general in charge of the European command; Plame was based in Brussels. Meeting in Paris, London, and Brussels, they got very serious very quickly. On the third or fourth date, he says, they were in the middle of a "heavy make-out" session when she said she had something to tell him. She was very conflicted and very nervous, thinking of everything that had gone into getting her to that point, such as money and training.
She was, she explained, undercover in the C.I.A. "It did nothing to dampen my ardor," he says. "My only question was: Is your name really Valerie?"
I've met quite a few CIA agents, Special Forces guys, and members of agencies so secret they don't have a name........of course they're usually so drunk when they're telling me this that they already urinated on themselves.
From Vanity Fair:
He had met Plame in February 1997 at a reception at the Washington home of the Turkish ambassador. He says that when his eyes fell on her from across the room he thought he knew her. He realized as he drew near that he did not-and that it was love at first sight. From that moment on, he says, "she did not let anyone into the conversation, and I did not let anyone into the conversation."
At the time, Wilson was based in Stuttgart, serving as the political adviser to George Joulwan, the U.S. general in charge of the European command; Plame was based in Brussels. Meeting in Paris, London, and Brussels, they got very serious very quickly. On the third or fourth date, he says, they were in the middle of a "heavy make-out" session when she said she had something to tell him. She was very conflicted and very nervous, thinking of everything that had gone into getting her to that point, such as money and training.
She was, she explained, undercover in the C.I.A. "It did nothing to dampen my ardor," he says. "My only question was: Is your name really Valerie?"
Oh, you mean the article that appeared 6 mos. after Bob Novak revealed this fact, got it.

From the Washington Post:
"Wilson never worked for the CIA, but his wife, Valerie Plame, is an agency operative on weapons of mass destruction. Two senior administration officials told me that Wilson's wife suggested sending him to Niger to investigate the Italian report. The CIA says its counterproliferation officials selected Wilson and asked his wife to contact him. "I will not answer any question about my wife," Wilson told me."

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