Chuck Norris Humor

Hand sanitizer kills 99.9% of germs. Chuck Norris can kill 100% of whatever he wants.

Chuck Norris can divide by zero.

Chuck Norris can eat just one Lay's potato chip.

If at first you don't're not Chuck Norris.

Chuck Norris destroyed the periodic table because he only recognizes the element of surprise.

A long time ago, a woman asked Chuck Norris for a Money Shot, the result was the Milky Way.
Chuck Norris can make a woman orgasm by pointing his finger like a gun and saying, "booyah!"
Chuck Norris has only had one disciple...Superman.
Did you know Chuck Norris is a famous inventor? He created pain, agony, torture, puppies, and a way to combine them all.
Chuck Norris ran to the end of the world, but wasn't done running so the world became round