Corporal Hicks
Black Belt
Yes so would I! My own viewpoints on Buddhism that I may state may be incorrect since I have only being studing and praticing the philosphy of Buddhism for about a month, but I'm trying so correct me if I'm wrong.Sapper6 said:i agree with you on most points. yours is a human liberty issue. i understand that. it's an endless debate. like i said before, i hope you find the happiness you desire, be it in the United States of America, or elsewhere. the way i see it, gay and lesbians are gaining more ground in this country everyday and will continue to do so, while christians are actually losing, IMO. the USA isn't so bad, is it?
i'd like to hear more buddhist input in this thread. shall we?
As for Buddhism, there are extremists too, their motives, that I dont know, since a matter of opinion, and the feeding of the ego or the pressure of another culture attacking a Buddhist viewpoint should not trouble (in theory) a Buddhist.
Unlike Christianity I see that Buddhism trys to tackle the problem behind suffering, you know maybe I'm wrong but Buddhism tells you to look for the source and eradicate it whereas in Christianity you are only activity changing your actions, that doesnt stop the feelings in the first place, I see Christians as waiting for salvation and Buddists seeking it, and for those who do, finding it. In essence I see Christianity trying to (and they do) deal with the symptoms i.e. anger, resentment, hatred, sin etc but the difference being that Buddhism actually goes deeper, into the source of this hatred and teaches you how to eradicate not only the symptoms but the source from it arose.
Whereas a Christian may turn around and take offence to somebody throwing their opinion against them and their religion and try to not response (and maybe the dont respond), I see that a Buddhist would not even 'care' if thats the right word, because the opinion thrown at them had nothing to 'hit' no 'ego' or if there is an 'ego' it is under complete control.
Maybe I'm wrong, I see Christians struggling with their minds yet Buddhist taking control and rising above their minds, and I know that I'm obviously being biased here, putting all Christians and all Buddhists into a same catergory, but thats what I see from the teaching, thats why I've chosen Buddhism instead of Christianity even though I was brought up a Christian!
On the topic of human liberty I believe it was the Buddha who revolutionised a particular Indian society where it was divided in four classes, the Brahman, Kshatriya, Vaisya and Sudra classes, and he though that the eternal Buddha would not want this so he equalised the classes, giving everybody the chance to be enlightened. Maybe you can use this idea of equality to apply to certain topics. I dont personally see why Buddhist should have a problem with certain issues, i.e. gay and lesbian rights, or maybe I'm wrong?
P.s. thanks for keeping the topic debatable!