The Pinata said:People still use katana to kill people. Try living here even if there is the gunpowder some people tries the more resourceful and cheaper way. Of course no one can dodge bullets I never say i can, that is another senseless thing to say and accuse. And everything else you said came from you paranoid head, You might know about European swordmanship but I doubt you even use them.
What people can do with practically with a sword, I can do so much more effectively with a gun. Swords aren't practical weapons anymore, and I don't personally understand why they would be used as such.
Ok you said that european techniques are being rediscovered. Old techniques from recent findings hmmm..... You are saying like that it became really old because people before find it useless and forget about it. You said yourself. You are not careful.
There were a wide variety of reasons that European martial arts disappeared for quite some time. There never was the same culutural status associated with swords that the Japanese eventually gave the katana. During the Victorian era, there was a motion from all facets of life to declare that you were now elegant, as compared to your crude past. And yes, I stated it become useless and people began to forget about it - because it did. The Europeans never placed that same cultural status that the Japanese did on their katanas, and there was little reason to keep using swords when their guns and cannons could kill eachother so much more effectively. The Japanese found their's useless too you know. Gunpowder eventually made swords useless, although it did take some time before it was common enough in various areas for this to actually be the case.
What was the difference between Japanese and European martial arts though? During the Victorian era, there was a motion to call the past old and crude, and to glorify the future. This too was the case with swordfighting, and the fencers of the day were among the first to rather ignorantly bash the middle age swordfighters. It had nothing to do with fact, but was based upon the idea that they were trying to live up to that Victorian ideal.
You know what you really are an idiotic piece of crap. No doubt about it. Another thing, you just felt insulted because you know that you can't use a rapier against a katana so you choose a gun. Even so what are you going to use pellets and water? And is it has to take you three bullets to take someone down? Idiot. This isn't the west we got no time for fake **** and ineffective piece of crap, we leave it that to commercialization. Lastly, if you can put up shut up.
No, it actually is a strong sign of immaturity and defensiveness out of you that you can do nothing but insult me, and that in turn is a good sign that you are losing this arguement. In all truth, I could fight one just as effectively with a rapier as with a katana, but I personally would be smart, and just use a gun. It works so much better than any sword I've ever known, and you hardly have to pull the trigger.
I would very much take a rapier up against a katana. I'd have a very fair chance, and although I doubt this fight would be slanted towards me due to my equipment, the rapier is still just as capable of a sword as a katana. It was made for a different purpose.
So, act a little less childish, a little more mature, and we can continue talking. You are the one who feels insulted, you have also stated that yourself, and your childish insults are doing nothing to win your ignorant arguement. Arrogance doesn't work either.
Ok as you said that japanese has a strong cultural associated with swords. Some still does, the yakuzas still use the sword and other goons around asia (some really like the katana) even the korean mafia does. You'll find a missing head or chopped body by the river every now and then.
I'm glad that my insults comes to you. You deserve it. Everytime you reply from it you really becoming more idiotic. You can't put up.
You know you can't fight with a sword that is why you are going to use a gun. You are a coward and not really know how to use a sword because you are not even confident to use your style and you know you'll die because you lack real life application katana today are still being use and the experience of its practitioner can verify this. Beside what is guns got to do with this I thought we are talking about swords you are a gay if we are to talk about guns let us talk about it from the other topic, I bet you never had a gun and never fire one or even shoot something. Beside who said i won't bring a gun if I'm going to defend myself from a gun.
You see not all people have guns. And some people attack people with guns surprisingly (ambush). You are living in a fine country, and I bet you never seen a living thing get slash do you? That can explain when so much people from the west are looking for the beheading video of the american in iraq. Bless his soul.
The question you should be asking yourself is what if I got a gun and we are only 10 inches away and you sword is too long to defend you from a near gun point? What if I use half swording against you through holding your blade that was easy to bend to your face and to avoid from slipping off and then shooting your nuts. Katana is too thick to apply for your half swording especially from the front the reason it was only one edge so the back can be hold but that is hard for you to reach the back without your hand exposing from being grappled and will only get your hands cuts. You can't bend the blade towards me for your advantage either, katana cannot be bend. You see atleast I got jujitsu and experience to defend me which I learn from training that no longer needed to be rediscovered from artefacts and needing to test it because of not being applied for a long time and concern of hurting myself from trying and you, how about you? you are a sitting duck. Who wins now? Bansai!