Chinnese Broadsword vs. Japanese Katana

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Which sword would you prefer in a swordfight, the Chinnese Broadsword or the Japanese Katana?
colt 45
I win.
More seriously now Niether I don't kow how to use either we'll ao I must say neither. As for which is better. Which has the better maker. One may be superior I suppose its possible but really the question come down to the supperior/ luckier warrior. Which style is better. I could say the chinese broad sword and annoy the Kendo/ Iado/other maritail arts I dont know people or say the katana is better and annoy lots of Cma people
long story short(too late)
I think it all comes down to personal preference. Is this style better than that is this weapon better than that? Is an apple better than an orange? Well it also depends on the situation. E.g. don't take a scimitar into a place you can't cut.
I'd usually perfer a raaiper because I'd be more likely to use it properly after fencing but still I would have to stick to thrusting because I don't practice cuts that would actually work but thats another thing for another time.
This is of course my opinion and I am no expert.
Agree with all. This depends on the person. The weapon is as good as the person who holds it. So it is the artists training that matters not the choice of the weapon. Like for me a Jian is the best, because it is the weapon I am most comfortable with.
A most valid point, FC, which I would reinforce to the extent that when it comes to weapon use, that is probably the most telling variable of all.

It even overrides perceived 'effectiveness' of a weapon when it comes to melee, by which I mean that a weapon regarded as inferior, when utilised by someone with superior skill, will win out.

Of course, this is all moot when it comes to the katana versus anything else, cuz 'Tana's are the leet roxxorz, even capable of cutting tank gun barrels in half :lol:.
A pice of sharp steel is a piece of sharp steel. Getting hit solidly with any sword is a one hit, one kill scenario. As long as it's well made and functional, a sword is a sword. It comes down to personal preference, and what kind of combat you're likely to find yourself in, and the skill of the user. And let's not forget Audacity. Fiore dei Liberi said it was the most important virtue of the swordsman. Sigmund Ringeck said that "a despondent heart will always be defeated regardless of all skill". In the historical manuals I'm familiar with, written by "real" swordsmen, very few of them mention what "kind" of sword you should use. Some mention how long it should be relative to your height, but not "you shall use only a sword of the following design", because it's really not relavent to actually winning a real combat. Get a decent sword that you like, and learn how to use it well, and that includes learning how to wrestle while armed. There is nothing else.

Best regards,


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