yentao said:
Thisn't story telling?? Augment? You mean the stolen gunpowder technology. Without gunpowder it was clear who will win. Is there any poor samurai lying dead with a gun it may but with a rapier is a joke? Well the spanish warriors ended up lying in the ground without their heads, imagine they were defeated by warriors wearing no shoes. A story is different from a history. FYI, A man with a so called HEaVY BIG broadsword will be having problem holding a shield or a buckler. What is this superman? What are you saying is crazy **** this is not hollywood. Remember what happened in the philippines, the spanish were armed by shields and guns yet they cannot avoid a strike in the neck same what will happened after they got takedown by a samurai they be easy target since they will have a hard time standing. Simply because they were too heavy to move quickly holding a shield and a sword. Now that is foolish. Japanese armor are light unlike the heavy euro counterparts. If one is parried so strong he'll be to late to follow up the shield especially when they end up facing behind which occationally happens everytime. The one with rapier can start running because he will know that his needle will brake thisn't zorro. If you hold a katana you can still use your other hand with another sword unlike the heavy broadswords you are trying to claim. Rapier compare to a katana same fast to use but the katana is stronger. Use to chop heads in world war 2.... A rapier peircing through armor? OK. :uhyeah:
Next post pls.
I was never referring to gunpowder. By augmentation, I stated that the Europeans spent far more effort than the Japanese in perfecting and developing their weaponry. Furthermore, you baselessly claim that gunpowder was "stolen". Europe recieved it in the standard flow of knowledge that trade brings, and they were the ones who really took off with the whole invention of gunpowder. One must note that the Chinese didn't develop muskets and rifles first.
Going on, the Filipinos who took down the Spanish were fighting a knife styled fight, against an opponent who had largely ignored his armor and equipment. By the point that the Spanish arrived in that area, the Middle Ages were over, and you were not seeing the same weaponry and armor that you had for centuries that was specifically designed for fighting. Armor had been almost completely tossed due to gunpowder, and weaponry had evolved to account for that.
So, let's actually compare a "HEaVY BIG broadsword" to the Katana.
Longsword Weight - The catalogue of the Wallace Collection in London carries well over 50 swords that could be classified as cutting/thrusting swords and these have a weight range of 1.5 to 3.7 pounds. That places the average (mean) weight at well less than 3 pounds.
Katana Weight - The Crane Katana created by Bugei, one of the most reputable dealers of Katanas worldwide, has an average weight of around 2.7 pounds. And the Crane Katana is one of the lighter Katanas, as stated on the Bugei website.
Longsword Blade Length - A rather average blade length for a Fechtbuch sword was around 38". Longsword lengths would often reach up to well over 40" blades.
Katana Blade Length - At best, a long Katana was running a blade of about 29". More realistically, one would see a blade of about 28".
Plate Armor - In fact, plate armor was remarkeably light and easy on the warriors who wore it. Although it often weighed as much as fifty pounds, one must remember that our modern soldiers in war are often asked to carry double that on their backs alone. And in comparison between the two, the plate armor was well balanced throughout the body, where as a modern shoulder has it resting on their back, and in newer cases on their hips. But, we saw more advantage with the plate armor that explains why the European swords evolved so heavily as thrusting swords. Plate armor as well as maille was brilliantly effective in deflecting and blocking sword blows. On the other hand, about the only reasonable way to go through plate armor was not to hack at it, but in fact to thrust a straight longsword through it. Do not criticize plate armor until you have worn it. Hollywood and literature cast a bad and false image on it.
Conclusion: For rather equivalently weighted swords, the Europeans often added about a foot of length onto their swords in order to increase their reach. The old and ignorant claim that a katana was a quicker sword is also false. In fact, they both had similiar weights, and a trained warrior with a longsword was just as quick and agile as one with a katana. The loss for the poor samurai though is that he has a foot less blade to use, as such he doesn't get as much leverage on his hits, his blade can't parry as well or cover as much room, and his armor is sorely lacking, especially when his draw cuts won't go through plate or maille armor.
Let's go on to your other wishful points. You claim that a Samurai would simply take down the plate-clad westerner, and then while he struggles to get up, kill him. Unfortunately, you are once again under the folly of Hollywood and it's assumption that plate armor was cumbersome. It's not, and in fact King Henry and King Edward the Third would entertain their guests by performing cartwheels and other acrobatic stunts in their armor. Not to mention that westerners were just as adept at non-sword maneuvers, and were extremely competent with their weapons as well as the hands. European knights were extremely quick, and once again anime and Hollywood fabricated a myth that they are cumbersome oafs.
Next, you claim that the samurai can simply parry the westerner with a strong blow, turn him around, and then kill him. Unfortunately, the katana in most likelihood would simply glance off of the plate armor. Furthermore, we have already stated that western swords were similiarly weighted and just as quick as a Katana. A rapier was hellishly quicker than a Katana. Furthermore, it would be just as difficult for the samurai to "turn around" the knight as it would be for a knight to turn the samurai. Both were adept at their game, and weren't going to be turned around. That didn't happen.
Next you claim that a rapier will simply break from any strong blow from the katana. There is no historical record for rapiers breaking in swordfights. There were a few breaks in the tips because they got stuck inside people. A rapier allows give, and will simply give in a little ways to the initial shock from the katana. It won't break, or bend out of the way, but it will just bend a bit to the back, and at the point which it holds, the katana's shock isn't heavy enough to break it. Furthermore, a rapier is not a fencing foil. It is a heavier blade, and is long and although has more give than already flexible longswords, it is not going to bend out of the way or break.
Then you claim that the Katana is a one-handed sword. Wrong again. A Katana is a two-handed sword, and you do not have a free hand.
Moving on to your next baseless claim that a rapier and katana are the same speed, but the katana is stronger.
Wrong. The Broadsword and the Katana are the same speed. The Rapier is hellishly faster than the katana, and its fighting technique emphasized its impressive reach, which was often longer that that of a longsword. Furthermore, you claim that you can simply chop my head off. Correct, a katana will go through a human, although it will not go through a rapier, longsword, or plate armor. Furthermore, if you really open yourself up enough to close and cut off my head like that, I will simply impale you. A rapier hit created intense pain that would distract and slow any fighter. Not counting the fact that many victims of rapier wounds later died of infection, a rapier blow could be fatal in a number of locations include the neck, the head, the stomach, the lungs, or the heart. Any of these locations can be a deadly thrust with the rapier, and if you really try to close distance with me like that and slice through my head, I will simply impale you as you close. Thrust my rapier right into your chest, and impale your lungs. You're a dead samurai now, and will suffocate in a short while. Or I can thrust into your stomach, and let your stomach acid burn you alive. Or the head, or the heart, or the neck. Perhaps you were able to cleave me while I impaled you, or perhaps you didn't.
You are the one who was brought up on baseless Hollywood and Anime. I would like to give you some locations for information that can bring you up to date on what European Martial Arts were really like.
SPATHA: Society for the Promotion of Authenticity in the Teaching of Historical Arms
SwordForum: Historical European Swordsmanship
ARMA: Association for Renaissance Martial Arts
Read through all of these three sites. They should bring you up to date on the true nature of western and european martial arts.