Originally posted by satans.barber
I don't think Mr. Parker would have apporved of any jumping multiple kicks at all! I have heard he didn't really approve of kicking above the waist either!
Ian, take it from me, one who studied with Mr. Parker personally for many years. If he didn't approve of jumping multiple kicks at all........ why would he have them in "HIS" system? He was not so shallow to only include maneuvers that he personally liked or could do but included all that would be of value to many. Sure he tailored his Art to himself as do all the knowledgeable Kenpoists but that does not mean delete or "not approve" of possible maneuvers that some may use very effectively.
As to kicking above the waist....... he most certainly did!!! Of course he might have kicked them in the groin first or possibly knees to lower their height so as to make the head shot or torso kick easier........ but that has to do with experience and understanding what Ed Parker was all about.
Remember...... Don't believe anything you hear (To hear is to doubt), only half of what you see (To see is to be deceived)...... but to feel is to believe.