Chicken Kick

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Many years ago when I trained with a TKD instructor we called what you described as a double kick. There are many forms of this particular kick. The gentleman in which I'm referring to was in the olympic trials and well, I just got hit with many of them and hard. What he would do is blast you with a left roundhouse/or front kick and as you were starting to double over or attempt to cover then wham you got nailed with the right roundhouse to the side of the head. The chicken kick will lack some power performed in that manner. The actual double kick performed like this was extremly hard especially if you can execute the correct technique and form for this kick. This comes down to hip rotation and torque if performed correctly. This just happens to be one or variation and/or opinion.
Jason Farnsworth
Chicken kicks can be another maneauver to gauge distance to an opponent as in SNAKING TALON. It does not have to bring you up in the air, reference the chicken-knife in PRANCE OF THE TIGER. I have seen BEGGING HANDS done as yall (Texan for "you plural") describe, focusing on height, but it could also gauge in if the 1st kick knocks the opponent back as verses bending them over. I have also gauged BACK in BEGGING HANDS, just as a "What If" when experimenting with RANGE.

Catagory Completion - where did it come from? I know Rod Henson, one of my Black Belts who lived in New Orleons for a couple of years and worked out with Huk quite a bit, did an increadable amount of catagory completion in his knife set for 2nd Black. I also remember reading about catagory completion when Huk Palanas & Tom Kelly were working on the original manuals. Anybody else know for sure? Huk talks about it every seminar I have had with him.

a chicken kick, at least the way I was taught, is not a double kick.

its a knee with the first leg, basically a fake, and before you put that one down, you switch feet in mid air and kick with the other leg, so you've got them thinking you're going to throw a left kick and they're looking at and checking your left leg, and you hit em with the right leg instead (or vice versa)
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

It's his term.

So, are you saying the _concept_ is only found in Huk Planas' stuff, or the _term_? I was under the impression that Mr. Parker did systematic investigation (necessarily categorizing everything) when he made AK. If so, it's a question of semantics. If not, then I have to rethink my understanding of Kenpo -- not just history or origin, but Kenpo itself, as it would mean that Kenpo is not as systematic as I had thought.

If it's specifically and solely Mr. Planas' term he phrased but the phrase is often used down the Planas line of instructors. :o I just know from experience of being at his seminars that he uses the phrase from time to time.
Jason Farnsworth
Hey, hey, hey - Maybe I missed something on the string, but what distinguishes a Jump Kick from a Chicken Kick, it that the Chicken Kick has 2 kicks and one jump. A streight Jump kick uses the front or rear leg for lift, and the 2nd leg kicks, as in flying side kick or karate kid kinda front kick.

25 or so years ago I was in Durango, Mexico for a summer. I had the unfortunate experience of being invited to a cock fight, since it was the family I lived with taking me to the "Fair", I could not decline, I was a stranger in a strange land. Guess what, the cocks actually have metal fighting spurs tied to their legs, and they actually do Chicken Kicks, in the air with one leap (wings are clipped), and using both legs to strike. I know, I know ... this is way more info than you wanted. But I just realized where the name Chicken Kick may have come from. Not saying that it did ... but it may have. Otherwise they would be front jump kicks (which we also learn), or leaping kicks or something.


A jump kick is any kick where both feet are off the ground when contact is made.

chicken kick, at least the way I was taught, is not a double kick. its a knee with the first leg, basically a fake, and before you put that one down, you switch feet in mid air and kick with the other leg,

This is how I was shown how to do one as well. In TKD we tried to hit with both feet when sparring though as described by others.

Originally posted by Klondike93

quote: chicken kick, at least the way I was taught, is not a double kick. its a knee with the first leg, basically a fake, and before you put that one down, you switch feet in mid air and kick with the other leg,

That (in my book) is a bicycle kick, not a chicken kick. With a chicken kick a snap kick is made (typically to the groin) and then the other leg jumps up and kicks again, landing on the original leg first.

I have not heard it called that either...... we used to call it a "hitch" kick - when the front leg was just used to fake or elevate for the second action (actual kick). However, I also do, do a double kick...... kick with the front leg then kick with the back leg both equally strong kick actions.

I was taught that the bycycle kick was an advancing kick that cover a good distance and that very good kickers an throw more than just the 2 kicks.
The only time i've seen a bicycle kick was in the first mortal kombat movie. The fight scene where Lui kang fought Reptile in an abandoned building. If someone can pull that kick off then my hat's off to them. It's actually in the mortal kombat video game. Now before you pass judgement on me I have an 8yr. old son.
Jason Farnsworth
Here is 'Courting the Tiger' utilizing the chicken kick.. Please tell me Dennis if we are teaching it correctly.. The kick does take some practice specially for us with bad knees and over 40..~! by the time the kick is called for.. the bad guy is on his knees so we aren't dealing with alot of height.. unless he's Kareem Abdul Jabar~!

12. COURTING THE TIGER (left and right arm grab)
1. With feet together and opponents executing grabs on both of your arms, step back and to your left to 8:00
with your right foot (right rear twist stance) in the hope of trying to stomp foot of left opponent as your right hand
grabs your opponent's right arm (opponent to your right) and pulls him toward you, simultaneously push the
opponent who is to your left away from you with your left arm (anchoring you left elbow down and into left
opponent's right ribs).
2. Deliver a right knife edge toward 3:00 to outside of the left knee of opponent to your right.
3. Immediately execute a right crossover toward the opponent on you left by planting your right foot in front, and to
the left of your left foot (right front twist stance facing 9:00) and have your left knee strike up and behind the back
of the right knee of left opponent. (This is done to lift his right leg off of the ground and place all of opponent's weight
onto his left leg.)
4. While your left leg is still in the air, execute a left knife-edge kick to the left inner knee of opponent to your left.
5. Plant your left foot back toward 3:00 into a left reverse twist stance as you execute a right outward back knuckle
strike to head or any opening on opponent to your right, whether he be standing, kneeling, or otherwise.
6. Without hesitation deliver a chicken kick (double kick with left foot then right foot) to opponent on your left (left
foot kicking to opponent's ribs and right foot to opponent's face or solar plexus).
7. From right kicking position plant your right foot toward 9:00 into a right neutral bow as you strike to left
opponent's temple or face with an upward right stiff arm lifting back knuckle strike.
8. Immediately deliver a right thrusting lifting stiff-leg kick to underneath of opponent's jaw who is to your right.
9. Right front crossover and cover out twice, remaining equal distance from both opponent's as you cover out
toward 6:00.
I believe that move is a chicken kick. Have you been able to use a double front kick though? We've had many problems with that kick to get the exact targets in our class. In our class we execute a left front kick then follow up with a right roundhouse to the face. This just seems easier to deliver plus you get some good targets.
Jason Farnsworth
Originally posted by jfarnsworth

The only time i've seen a bicycle kick was in the first mortal kombat movie. The fight scene where Lui kang fought Reptile in an abandoned building. If someone can pull that kick off then my hat's off to them. It's actually in the mortal kombat video game. Now before you pass judgement on me I have an 8yr. old son.
Jason Farnsworth

Firstly, I don't mind admitting that the Mortal Kombat films aren't actually too bad... :) although hardly the best I've seen.

(incidentally, someone has taped Kilroy over the first hour of my Perfect Weapon tape, leaving me with only the last 20 minutes, so I'm not happy! At least they didn't tape over The Young Master which is at the end though (2nd best martial arts film ever!))

A bicycle kick was just what I was told it was called, it kinda goes in a set with the chicken kick and the butterfly kick.

I would say it was more like the kick he does at the end of the first Karate Kid film (without the crappy hand positions) than something in Mortal Kombat, there's only meant to be one fake and one kick rather than several.

I don't think Mr. Parker would have apporved of any jumping multiple kicks at all! I have heard he didn't really approve of kicking above the waist either!

To clarify, a chicken kick snaps with the rear leg (probably to the groin), then jumps and kicks with the other leg, landing in the original stance.

A bicycle kick starts almost with a rear knee motion (but more upwards) and then jumps and kicks with the other leg, again landing in the original stance (and yes, you can cover distance with it, but you can't kick 20 times and go half a mile like in a film....)

These are under my definitions anyway :)

Originally posted by jfarnsworth

I believe that move is a chicken kick. Have you been able to use a double front kick though? We've had many problems with that kick to get the exact targets in our class. In our class we execute a left front kick then follow up with a right roundhouse to the face. This just seems easier to deliver plus you get some good targets.
Jason Farnsworth


Yes that is a chicken kick alright :) and it's not hard to reach your target with it as you are already in position standing in a left reverse twist stance .. the left foot snaps out first then the right during the jump. I would say this is a double jumping front kick.. and the target area would be changeable depending on many factors, height and depth of attacker would vary where the kick targets. I believe what you are utilizing would be considered fine as you are not changing the technique.. still using a left right kick sequence :) Same weapons, same technique.. though the time taken to plant after the front kick then to the round .. may in essence give the attacker just that much time to recover. Hence getting the left attacker down and swinging back with that back kick to the right attacker as fast as possible :)
I'm sure there's other variations~!

To use the roundhouse kick. I can make a front snap roundhouse kick work extremly well for me. That kick doesn't take me (personally) any extra time. If you look at the attacker on the ground facing 12 or slightly towards you immediately after the front kick the roundhouse just blasts the face it has the right angle and feel. Once again that's just me & I do like to kick & just one more example on how to do the technique slightly different. I just don't like using the double front kick.
Jason Farnsworth;)
Your description of Courting the Tiger is right on. I do it the same in the ideal phase.

now for us old and non~aerialists..... there are a number of modifications that we can use..... we now enter the "what if phase" what if we can't (due to knee problems) follow an "ideal" example. LOL here is your ticket to modify for yourself..... but not have to change the "standard" which many others may benefit from. For me to make exact modification suggestions I need to watch you and determine what would be best for you. Soon you may be under the gun:rofl:


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