Originally posted by jfarnsworth
The only time i've seen a bicycle kick was in the first mortal kombat movie. The fight scene where Lui kang fought Reptile in an abandoned building. If someone can pull that kick off then my hat's off to them. It's actually in the mortal kombat video game. Now before you pass judgement on me I have an 8yr. old son.
Jason Farnsworth
Firstly, I don't mind admitting that the Mortal Kombat films aren't actually
too bad...

although hardly the best I've seen.
(incidentally, someone has taped Kilroy over the first hour of my Perfect Weapon tape, leaving me with only the last 20 minutes, so I'm not happy! At least they didn't tape over The Young Master which is at the end though (2nd best martial arts film ever!))
A bicycle kick was just what I was told it was called, it kinda goes in a set with the chicken kick and the butterfly kick.
I would say it was more like the kick he does at the end of the first Karate Kid film (without the crappy hand positions) than something in Mortal Kombat, there's only meant to be one fake and one kick rather than several.
I don't think Mr. Parker would have apporved of any jumping multiple kicks at all! I have heard he didn't really approve of kicking above the waist either!
To clarify, a chicken kick snaps with the rear leg (probably to the groin), then jumps and kicks with the other leg, landing in the original stance.
A bicycle kick starts almost with a rear knee motion (but more upwards) and then jumps and kicks with the other leg, again landing in the original stance (and yes, you can cover distance with it, but you can't kick 20 times and go half a mile like in a film....)
These are under my definitions anyway