Originally posted by pvwingchun
This is interesting to me. Those of you who do not do Wing Chun how do you do your Chi Sau. Is it two handed rolling WC Chi Sau or is it done differently....? Is it just sticky hand drills? How does the footwork work? Are you doing just freestyle Chi Sau or are there forms and drills to it?
Chi sau is our way of connecting forms to fighting. The footwork includes all of our stances, shifting from stance to stance. We start out with one hand connected but as you progress you start with both hands. Its very fluid and we start people off going ridiculously slow. In mantis there are allot of grabs and traps as well.
Originally posted by arnisador
This is an interesting question. I wonder what the history of this training technique is?
From what I understand it has its roots in Taiji push hands. But thats about as far as my knowledge of it goes.