Actually, I am starting to like the flag. In retrospect, it would have outed a few trolls in the past. I remember 2 claiming to be training in China with a secret mountain monk..... who decidedly were not, posting at the wrong times, claiming to be posting at hours that were decidedly not matching with China. One matched England and the other was matching US Pacific time. That combined with other questions they failed miserably at and of course the whole Wuxia thing. Note; they no longer post here.
The Flags make it obvious where you are from..... I mean I guess I have to learn to accept there are folks from England, Australia, Canada, Norway (YES I MEAN YOU
@Steve) and even....well Texas....and don't get me started on California....... but I think the flags are a good thing
Also in May, I want to see what flags I get when I travel.....I may even take screen shots