Changing my flag

I thought it was England that led the way to end slavery. England was wealthy enough to set out to sea similar to Spain. Fortunately, Europe discovered the Americas before others and of course this gave birth to the United States, which I am eternally grateful to live in. I don’t know of a a people or a country that hasn’t been conquered. Virtually everybody got to where they are by booting someone else out.
Do you know why the wind blows in Oklahoma? Because Texas sucks. General Ulysses Grant said, “ If I owned Texas and I owned Hell, I would live in Hell and rent out Texas”.
There are two types of Texans. Those who leave and never want to go back, and those who love it and can’t imagine living anywhere else. There isn’t much room for moderate opinions about Texas. 😂
I’ve noticed Britain’s Union flag has appeared on my profile banner. The Union flag has ‘other connotation’ in the U.K. with which I’d prefer not to be associated.

How can I remove it or change it to, say the European flag?

Use a VPN and move to the Isle of Man. (check this post)
Use a VPN and move to the Isle of Man. (check this post)

Or Mongolia (surprised there's even a server there)...

But in all seriousness, without a VPN I can see why you're frustrated as either a Scottish or Welsh man.

While I like the Union Jack, I understand why some might find it controversial - particularly as it pertains to nationhood, potatoes, and famines.

In any case... Rule, Brittania?
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I thought it was England that led the way to end slavery. England was wealthy enough to set out to sea similar to Spain. Fortunately, Europe discovered the Americas before others and of course this gave birth to the United States, which I am eternally grateful to live in. I don’t know of a a people or a country that hasn’t been conquered. Virtually everybody got to where they are by booting someone else out.

Switzerland. Even the Nazis were like "nah it's too high up and cold" despite fascist Italy being on the other side.

Also Japan.
Per the admin post below, it is apparently a new feature of the software that we can't fix at this time. Sorry. :(

And @John G

If it's in XenForo under a path like this:
<img src="/styles/default/xenforo/flags/{$user.ip_country_code}.png" alt="{$user.ip_country}" />

You can wrap it in a conditional for user opt out like:
<xf:if is="!$user.Profile.customFields.hide_flag">
    <img src="/styles/default/xenforo/flags/{$user.ip_country_code}.png" alt="{$user.ip_country}" />

Even if it's tied to IP. Pretty sure you can even toggle it out completely too. But without seeing the ACP or back-end it's hard to tell. Hope this helps.
Actually, I am starting to like the flag. In retrospect, it would have outed a few trolls in the past. I remember 2 claiming to be training in China with a secret mountain monk..... who decidedly were not, posting at the wrong times, claiming to be posting at hours that were decidedly not matching with China. One matched England and the other was matching US Pacific time. That combined with other questions they failed miserably at and of course the whole Wuxia thing. Note; they no longer post here.

The Flags make it obvious where you are from..... I mean I guess I have to learn to accept there are folks from England, Australia, Canada, Norway (YES I MEAN YOU @Steve) and even....well Texas....and don't get me started on California....... but I think the flags are a good thing

Also in May, I want to see what flags I get when I travel.....I may even take screen shots
Actually, I am starting to like the flag. In retrospect, it would have outed a few trolls in the past. I remember 2 claiming to be training in China with a secret mountain monk..... who decidedly were not, posting at the wrong times, claiming to be posting at hours that were decidedly not matching with China. One matched England and the other was matching US Pacific time. That combined with other questions they failed miserably at and of course the whole Wuxia thing. Note; they no longer post here.

The Flags make it obvious where you are from..... I mean I guess I have to learn to accept there are folks from England, Australia, Canada, Norway (YES I MEAN YOU @Steve) and even....well Texas....and don't get me started on California....... but I think the flags are a good thing

Also in May, I want to see what flags I get when I travel.....I may even take screen shots
I’m in Arizona right now. 🙂

One thing to note though is that its pretty easy to manipulate your IP location with a VPN.
I’m in Arizona right now. 🙂

One thing to note though is that its pretty easy to manipulate your IP location with a VPN.
This is true....wait a minute... I can't talk to're retired..... and I am envious and jealous...... I will resume talking...just as soon as I retire.....