Catholics are Chritstians!!!

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And I wouldn't want you to be like me either...I'm me and I don't think you'd want another you would be scary...invasion of the evil twins...I could comment further on the evil twins thing, but then you'd get mad...heh
ShaolinWolf said:
Lol...this could go on love to argue don't, I don't love to, but I like to debate...but come on...ah...but you do need sleep...not tonight maybe, but the body can't go on without sleep forever...same as one can't go on without the truth with sleep, something will eventually break down... so you want to start on examples?
I require sleep, Yes. Need implies a desire or want.

And the word arguement means to present your case with or to someone else of opposing views. This word does not mean violence. Look it up.
right back at you my friend...and another thing...I didn't say you were a riot...well not yet anyways...I said you were starting a in a one man you were funny...
ShaolinWolf said:
Also, I did not write all that to upset you and say...LET'S FIRE ARROWS AT RICH AND SEE IF HE CAN didn't even mean that at all...I jsut put the example in there because I knew you'd say something whether I said something or not and I didn't mean it but to the fact I knew you go after me like you are

Here you are addressing me again. How am I to stop as long as you continue to reply?

So, you thin of me as being aggressive towards you. I hold not negative thoughts or aggresstion to you. I would like to see you grow, even if it nothing more than tolerance of other on this forum.
what does violence have to do with anything...other than the sword thing...but seriously, you are way to far away to even smack me...other than the reputation thing...but oh, what was your point with the arguement statement?
See, that is my thought too...I wish to see you grow...I'm actually not mad either...and I was not thinking of you as aggressive, but you too must remember to use the correct sound a bit aggressive too...I'm not the only one who needs to think before they speak...not be taken as an insult...mind you...
ShaolinWolf said:
And I wouldn't want you to be like me either...I'm me and I don't think you'd want another you would be scary...invasion of the evil twins...I could comment further on the evil twins thing, but then you'd get mad...heh
I have evil twins, and no this comment does not bother me. AS I have the Van Dyke facial hair I would be the evil as in all the TV series.

And yes, I got your jibe about me being the evil one.
And I know your not aggressive...I jsut meant that you were expecting me to be aggressive and the way you wrote stuff was that it sounded like you expected me to be the aggressive one...
I didn't mean it as you were the evil one...I just meant evil...ah forget
Have you noticed how many pages we've filled up with this
And I'm getting punchy
ShaolinWolf said:
See, what I was trying to do was answer some people's questions, whether they were genuine or not...
another thing...the thing about you going to hell was just an example, since you said you were saved, that was just an example since you were the one making the riot...

You did say I was a riot, or making a riot.
yes, I jsut state missed the post...I said again that you were making a riot...yes I admitted I said that way up it...
ShaolinWolf said:
what does violence have to do with anything...other than the sword thing...but seriously, you are way to far away to even smack me...other than the reputation thing...but oh, what was your point with the arguement statement?
I am right here, and can smack you up with words. Not reputation. I am discussing and arguing points with you. Not taking cheap shots.
If deeds don't count, why do we have the ACTS of the Apostles, just for decoration? They did something with their calling. Judas, according to some, was judged and condemned for his betrayal of Jesus... something about his stomach blowing up,

You are saying that since we are not doing it the way you do it we are condemned to Hell. Also, the sinner's prayer is no different than the Eucheristic prayers during mass that we say in the process of preparing ourselves for Communion. "Lord I am not worthy to recieve you, but only say the word and I shall be healed." That is how Catholics acknowledge that deeds alone won't get it done,

but isn't the ACT of accepting Christ a DEED?

Isn't it a mental shift, a spiritual letting go of the self for the whole?

That DEED/ACT is significant and essential to your definition of salvation, why wouldn't obeying the 'Do unto others...' lessons be as important to a Christian God or any of the other wonderful and positive things that Jesus proposed?

All these lessons came from the earthly Jesus as Christ, why is it up to you or the Baptist doctrine to say that one deed is more worthy than another?

Catholics have the Sacraments, which are deeds - done with the proper mental and spiritual letting go - as expressions of a love of Christ and a willingness to live by his teachings.

Religious practice justifies itself by picking which scriptures support their practices.

If you love your parents, you would not do things that would bring shame or embarassment on their name. Why should that be any different when you are claiming Jesus as your joy? Jesus sat with the whores and the tax collectors when no one else would. He shone as a living example when preaching to them would only drive them away. His DEEDS were how he preached as much as his signs/miracles or words. So, I would say that deeds count for something.

Paul M
ShaolinWolf said:
See, that is my thought too...I wish to see you grow...I'm actually not mad either...and I was not thinking of you as aggressive, but you too must remember to use the correct sound a bit aggressive too...I'm not the only one who needs to think before they speak...not be taken as an insult...mind you...

I only used the words to get your attention because you still would not think before typing. You would say you were sorry and yet, that you were right and others were wrong.

And why would I have to grow, if I am baptized and in a state of grace, and have accepted. Would I not meet your definition?
lol...I know, but see that was not what I meant why did you say nonviolence...I know words can be violent...but I mean that sounded like a reference to my sword statement? not...
ShaolinWolf said:
Have you noticed how many pages we've filled up with this
And I'm getting punchy
Yes quite obviously punchy.

Get some sleep and start again tomorrow
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