Catholics are Chritstians!!!

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So how do you know that a person is truely "saved" and not just hedging his bet by going through the motions, like the folks who go to church but are some of the rudest, nastiest people out there? I believe that its actions and personal quality that count in Gods eyes, not what comes out of a persons mouth....
Too true. (and normally, I don't say stuff so bluntly the way I did wanted to point that out...), but anyways, yeah. People say they have been saved, yet the only people who know the truth, except for the true actions and words, are God and that person. Other than that, you can't truly know. I wonder about a few kids at church. Are they dragged there and just want to look good? I mean one kid I know, him and his friend are always making sick jokes, and they asked me some sick stuff, to which I've ignored, or gave a rephrase of what they said and then nicely put it into gentlemenly words. Save Face. That's the only way they can do it.

Too many people take God's love for granted. They get all gungho and do it and that's it. They just leave it at that. No more work for God. He did his thing, and I did my thing. Now I can live my life and PARTY!!!...YEAH!!!...Sadly that's not it. I know all too many people like that.

I don't fit in some of my friends, who are Christian, but they like to hang around and play filthy games like Grand Theft Auto 1-vice city, manhunt, and other sick, perverted, and homicidal games. I think it's sick playing games where you just walk into the living room and attack some woman with a metal pipe and just hit her until her head flies off and blood is all over the place and her head roles around. And then they keep hitting her and laughing their heads off. I think it's sick and revolting. I mean, I know the whole, well I wouldn't do that in real life routine, but still, living out your sick fantasies?! oh well, I guess everybody has a little problem here and there. Lol. They are ok everywhere else but there. Games are an issue. I think I'm going to ask my Youth Pastor to bring up a sermon on Wednesday nights about the violence in Video Games.

The only M rated game I have are a game called ZOE, where you control mech robots and the only reason it's rated that is for the cuts people get from small metallic explosions and the blood of someone getting squashed by a falling mechbut it looks like oil. I mean, seriously, I don't like that, but the rest of the game is alright, just that one part. and it's dramatic and at the beginning, and only like 10 seconds long, not even...and it's not graphic.

I have a shooting game, but that's it. I hate bloody games, and nudity in the games too. And cursing. I try to avoid blood, gore(well, that's never in games I play...), and cursing. I flat out won't play nude games.

Anyways, that was of subject. That was called a tangent. Something of mine that's gonna bug me forever. lol..sorry...
Oh yeah, and to go along with the issue of whether or not to tell if someone is or isn''s something I've kept with me since I hear it in Ultimate Spider-man #38(yes, I read comics, got a problem with that?!"Everyone trying to be more than they are--which would be fine if they actually earned it, but more and more---it isn't the case. And that's what drives me nuts. I find myself surrounded by people who will do or say anything just for the appearnace that they are better than they are. More than they are. Never for a second do they actually try to be better. They just want to appear better. THey want to be special without going through the trouble of having earned it."

That was from a video tape in the comic that was being watched and it was Peter Parker's(Spider-man's) dad saying it on tape. It was like 10-12 years prior to this comics supposedly, before his dad died. Anyways, it kind of reminds me of alot of people. Many people I know will go to all the work of looking like they are something they are not, but they won't go an actually be it. They may spend their whole life looking like it, but in the end, they never actually had it. I'd rather have gotten it half way through and then be able to be proud of having done it. Applies to Christianity. Alot of Christians will accept Christ and then they just kind of fall away. Anyways, I took up another post. Didn't know if you guys thought it was good. I didn't mean it toward any of you, just wanted to post it, cause I thought it would help better define people, even outside of Spiritual life.
ShaolinWolf said:
...But if you keep on trying for Christ after accepting him as personal Lord and Saviour and just not Give up, because he doesn't give up on you, then your going to have a big reward in Heaven...
I would suggest you visit with your local preacher. Discuss with him the concept of 'GRACE'. In traditional fundamentalist Christian beliefs, there is no 'trying for Christ'. You are saved only through His grace. You can live you life as a total piece of crap and if, in that last millisecond before you die, you ask for Jesus to forgive you, and guide you, you are entitled, by Grace, to all the riches of heaven. (Later Day Saints may discuss with you the seven different levels of heaven ... but most other Christians don't accept these levels of heaven).

If you are a Buddhist (little wheel or great wheel), and lived your life according to the four noble truths and the eight-fold path, you are by Christian understanding and doctrine condemned to hell. Of course, this is also true if you are a practitioner of the most populous faith on the planet, Hinduism, or if you follow the teaching of Confucius, or Lao Tzu and his Taoist beliefs (the Way).

The arrogance of Christian beliefs amazes me. As I have previously stated, I am an atheist ... but not through ignorance. I suggest as a starting point to understand human beliefs; Huston Smith's "The Religions of Man" or the updated version "The World's Religions" ISBN 0-06-250811-3

Go In Peace - Mike
Ummm...I didn't say anything about Not being saved by Grace...being saved by Grace is the only way to be saved...You can't be saved by works...I wasn't saying any of that...The point I was trying to make was storing your treasures up in heaven...You ever heard of the phrase, well done my good and faithful servant?

Anyways, Yeah, like I said, you go to heaven once you accept Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour...but Christ also says in the Bible about many rooms...It is also said that you should store your "treasures" up in heaven, meaning that you should try your hardest to win souls, and do help others in the name of Christ and how God would want you to behave. Oh, yes you can go to heaven with accepting Jesus with your final breath, but wouldn't you rather go to heaven, knowing you did all you could on earth to help the lost? THat's what I meant...sure you can go through life without doing anything but accepting Christ and then party hardy the rest of your life, but I'd rather have fullfilled my purpose on earth rather than just have lived life for's called dying to self and living in Christ... as it says

For anyone who gains his life will lose it, but if anyone loses his life for me, he will gain life(paraphrased)...

I understand the grace issue, not why we deserve it, cause we don't, other than I understand that God's love is so great, he doesn't want us to perish...but yeah, I understand being saved by Grace and Faith, instead of being saved by works, which people who don't understand believe is the way to do good deeds your whole life and you go to heaven...that is just nothing but a lie...

And also, you kind of took that out of context...don't start a fight with me please...if you read the whole thing, then you will understand...It's like what it says in the Bible that so many people have taken out of context

It's just like this part that so many people have taken this part of the bible out of context "There is no God". It actually says something like "But the fool hath said in his heart 'There is no God' "...

So please don't misquote me just to make a point...
ShaolinWolf said:
yeah, well TGrace...Those "asses" probably won't quite get high honors in Heaven...They go, but also did they truly accept Christ also? You gotta wonder sometimes. Yeah, I know what you think of me, but I have said so all too many times. But if you keep on trying for Christ after accepting him as personal Lord and Saviour and just not Give up, because he doesn't give up on you, then your going to have a big reward in Heaven...A nice big Mansion, a high place(as in the first on earth shall be last in Heaven, and the Last on Earth shall be First in Heaven). That's what's the reward. They may not get much other than a shack and some small position in heaven because they aren't doing much other than asking for fire insurance...

And Rich...I was talking as a can believe what you want, but it's in writing...I said NO I AM NOT CONDEMNING YOU...And if you are Saved, then I'm happy for you and I was just saying that as an example...I don't want anybody going to that, not I don't want everybody including Rich Parson, who is going to hell...blah blah blah...I never said anything like that in the above post...And, I don't know what else to say, other than unbelievers, from the Truth that I believe go to hell...and it is shared by all too many, not just me...and also, it's not just "my church", the Baptist, Methodist, etc. are not the only one's that share this belief in's alot of, I would say it's a lifestyle rather than not believing the way a church you believe in the lifestyle?

And anyway, I try to tone it down a bit and all you can do is criticize me...I mean come

And Loki, I can't say it's a fact...I know it to be a fact, but some people around here don't want to here the word fact, and they start tearing into I say you and me, it's a fact...and you did accept Christ though verbally, right? I mean asked for forgiveness, said the sinner's prayer and acceptance of sin, eh? Good works won't get you to Heaven, it's belief and faith in the lord Jesus and all that I just mentioned...JUST ASKING...And Rich, don't go slice my head off with a katana, please...And if you want to say I'm shoving it down people's throat, I'm just asking a question...I haven't passed's in words, no judgement, just a question, ok?!
Shaolin Wolf,

My Name is Rich Parsons, not Rick, not Rich Parson, without the 's' ;). You lack to detail can either be seen as an insult or a character statement about you.

And I am talking as a whole. You say you know the truth and have facts. Like I have said before the great think about religion is that it is FAITH based. Faith denies fact. It does not require fact, it onlky requires you to make a leap of faith and believe.

You see as a Christian you are stating that you knw the truth and the facts, and that the Baptists and the Methodist and the 7th day adventists and ..., are all going to hell because they do not follow the exact same interpratation that you have been taught. They do not follow the same rituals as you. This is your arrogance. This is your self rightousness in action.

I might be able to slice your head off, yet I choose to debate and maybe allow both of us to grow.

You see I can handle the questions. From your own words you have stated you will not tolerate others who do not believe in THE TRUTH. Your Truth. I accept that you belive it. Yet, you do not accept the possibility that I ight also be right. For to do so, it would attack your beliefs, and your sand castle and house of cards would come crumbling down.

And yes, there are those that believe if you ask in the last minutes of your life and are honest, you shall receive. THere are other beliefs within the Christian umbrella all taken from the same book called the bible. Makes you wonder why some many different opinions, except for the arrogance of man to think he knows the real and rightous way, and to insist his way is the best.

Ask your questions. I applaud this. For in asking, you have taken the first steps.
What the heck is your problem? I said I'm a baptist...What are you talking about..?!?!?!...I believe that the Methodists, Baptist, etc. and such are going to Heaven!!!!!!!!...Man, did you get your wires crossed or what? problem...

AND ANOTHER THING: I was talking to Tgrace about the issue, not you, so don't tell me what to do...merely asked a question and I answered to be what I know the truth...geez, read, man read...I'm not even talking self righteous...Get some sleep and
I'm not being serious about the sword, it was merely a gesture...what I can't talk to one particular person without you having signs go up...I was not talking to YOU...
And another thing...Loki was asking if it was fact or just my opinion...he wanted an, just get some
ShaolinWolf said:
What the heck is your problem? I said I'm a baptist...What are you talking about..?!?!?!...I believe that the Methodists, Baptist, etc. and such are going to Heaven!!!!!!!!...Man, did you get your wires crossed or what? problem...

AND ANOTHER THING: I was talking to Tgrace about the issue, not you, so don't tell me what to do...merely asked a question and I answered to be what I know the truth...geez, read, man read...I'm not even talking self righteous...Get some sleep and
ShaolinWolf you get upset when I come at you wiht my opinions. You get upset when I make statements that I know are true to me. Yet, you deny this TRUTH.

Yet, you expect us to accept your TRUTH. So, the Mirror technique has upset you. I was hoping you would see it, and recognize it another, and then maybe yourself.

I am off to get sleep. Yet, Not because you told me too.

And AS to talking to Tgace, that is fine. Just do not mention me by name then. Maybe you need the sleep and to relax, and to ponder your own path.
ShaolinWolf said:
I'm not being serious about the sword, it was merely a gesture...what I can't talk to one particular person without you having signs go up...I was not talking to YOU...
I repeat then why did you mention me by name?
ShaolinWolf said:
And another thing...Loki was asking if it was fact or just my opinion...he wanted an, just get some
Yes Loki asked you a question.

Yet, you have not answered all my questions.

Maybe the three posts in a row is because I struck a cord? Or you might just need the sleep. Not sure
And furthermore...I thought I was doing pretty good at keeping it toned down...that was just plain rude to go and say the stuff you did...I was trying to keep it controversial and then you just go and say...YOUR WRONG!!!!...YOU ARE TRYING TO PUSH YOUR BELIEFS ON EVERYONE...ok that's how I saw it, because from my point of view, I was just trying to be nice...

See, what I was trying to do was answer some people's questions, whether they were genuine or not...
another thing...the thing about you going to hell was just an example, since you said you were saved, that was just an example since you were the one making the riot...

I don't mean any of this with disrespect, but I mean, come on give me a break...I was toning it down and talking to other PEOPLE...not you...not you...and enough with the high horse thing...I am not on it...I'm merely answering the questions from my beliefs...yes this is a repeat of the paragraph above, but I want to stress my point...
ShaolinWolf said:
And furthermore...I thought I was doing pretty good at keeping it toned down...that was just plain rude to go and say the stuff you did...I was trying to keep it controversial and then you just go and say...YOUR WRONG!!!!...YOU ARE TRYING TO PUSH YOUR BELIEFS ON EVERYONE...ok that's how I saw it, because from my point of view, I was just trying to be nice...

See, what I was trying to do was answer some people's questions, whether they were genuine or not...
another thing...the thing about you going to hell was just an example, since you said you were saved, that was just an example since you were the one making the riot...

I don't mean any of this with disrespect, but I mean, come on give me a break...I was toning it down and talking to other PEOPLE...not you...not you...and enough with the high horse thing...I am not on it...I'm merely answering the questions from my beliefs...yes this is a repeat of the paragraph above, but I want to stress my point...
I repeat, then do not direct posts at me and I will not reply.

As to examples I can take examples. Can you? I think not.
oh your hopeless...I'm not even telling you to accept my truth...I would like you to, but that's your choice, so quit putting words in my mouth that I didn't say...I'm not denying anything and the only chord you struck was the fact that you told me not to attack and now your doing it...LOL...heh...anyways, let's get a little more peaceable I said, I'm merely stating my beliefs...STATING...does that me shoving it down your throat?!
ShaolinWolf said:
yes, I need sleep...but obviously so do

Maybe, Maybe not? Just because you need something does not require me to have the same need. This is the whole basis of this discussion. I do not have to be just like you. Free Will and choice.
Lol...this could go on love to argue don't, I don't love to, but I like to debate...but come on...ah...but you do need sleep...not tonight maybe, but the body can't go on without sleep forever...same as one can't go on without the truth with sleep, something will eventually break down... so you want to start on examples?
Also, I did not write all that to upset you and say...LET'S FIRE ARROWS AT RICH AND SEE IF HE CAN didn't even mean that at all...I jsut put the example in there because I knew you'd say something whether I said something or not and I didn't mean it but to the fact I knew you go after me like you are
ShaolinWolf said:
oh your hopeless...I'm not even telling you to accept my truth...I would like you to, but that's your choice, so quit putting words in my mouth that I didn't say...I'm not denying anything and the only chord you struck was the fact that you told me not to attack and now your doing it...LOL...heh...anyways, let's get a little more peaceable I said, I'm merely stating my beliefs...STATING...does that me shoving it down your throat?!

Stating does not equate to shoving it down my throat.

Yet, when you still make comments that you do not tolerate others. Do you tolerate others now? I think not, as you state that I am the riot. Not really friendly. Also given this statement, "See, what I was trying to do was answer some people's questions, whether they were genuine or not..." , you still seem to be passing judgement. Yes, it will be hard to recover, from your preivous statements. You are going to have to really becareful. FOr you see you think you are being nice, yet your word choice does not always imply this.
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